Love struck teenager

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Pink fluffy night gown^^^

My eyes flutter open as sunshine hits my face gently as I hear the curtains being drawn.

"My deepest apologies to wake you up miss, but master Dante awaits your presence." I hear a horrible, deep British accent interrupt my precious beauty sleep.

I groan and rub my eyes with the back of my hands and sit up. My shoulders slump from exhaustion. What's happening? Where am I? What on earth happened last night?!

I finally open my eyes and see I was in a fancy looking room. I look around in awe and yelp in surprise when I see Benji standing next to me.

He had straightened his posture and had a snobby look on his face, "good morning madam, would you like some tea?" he asks, conjuring up a horrible British accent.

I guess that was the horrible sound I heard before.

I stare at him flatly but I couldn't help admit that he made me glad that he was his funny usual self. Stupid kid.

"That's the worse British accent I have ever heard" I croak out, my tone thick with sleep.

He breaks character immediately and looks at me offended, "hey! That's the best accent I can do!"

I roll my eyes but smile sneakily when he wasn't looking and stretch my arms above my head, yawning.

"So attractive."

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm this early in the morning" I glare at Benji.

I rub my face and look at the silk cotton candy pink sheets, so feminine. I take them off and widen my eyes when I see what exactly I was wearing.

A pink fluffy nightgown!

Oh, this so doesn't suit me.

I cringe and play with the hot, pink fabric, "what? you don't like it?" Benji asks, hiding his laughter.

I snap my head up and narrow my eyes "I will kill you kid." I threaten darkly.

"I'm only two years younger than you!" He exclaims, huffing.

"Mentally I'm ten years older than you," I say bored, getting out of bed.

He opens his mouth to snap back but then he stops and crosses his arms thinking deeply, looking at the ceiling and rubbing his chin, "you might be right."

I shake my head and walk to the mirror in the corner of the room and stare at myself. I looked so innocent. I had a clean face and my long hair was in two braided ponytails behind my back.

"Who did this to me?!" I ask, horrified, staring flabbergasted at my reflection, squeezing the fur around my wrists.

I immediately take the braids out and watch my straight hair turn into smooth curls. Not a bad look.

"Oh, it's not that bad." Benji says, rolling his eyes,"Come on! I wasn't kidding when I said" he clears his throat and straightens up his back and says "master Dante is awaiting your presence" in a horrible British accent.

I raise an eyebrow and he looks at me waiting for a reaction. He slumps his shoulders, staring at the floor and sighs deeply. "Why won't anyone find my sense of humour funny?" He asks himself.

I walk past him to the door "come on kid. Take me to Dante."

I hear his footsteps behind me and soon he was in front of me with his hands in his pockets humming a tune.

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