Chapter 28

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We finished having dinner and we were now sitting on the front porch, I smiled at how amazing this feels. I can't believe that Liam is Mona's son, I was going to see a lot of Liam now, I smiled at the thought. Liam is such an amazing person, he helped me when i barely knew him. Even though we shared a kiss together when we only knew each other a couple of hours, But that kiss was just so loving, it felt like Liam could understand how I felt... It felt like our feelings were put into one kiss. The way he kissed me was just so soft and caring, Mark was my first kiss and even though with all our kisses we have shared, the way Liam kissed me was just so different. 

I looked over my shoulder where Liam was now talking to his mother, they seemed so happy, I wish my parents were still alive. I felt Liam's eyes staring into mine, I gave him a smile and looked away. For some reason looking at him makes me feel so emotional, I feel sadness yet happiness in his eyes. 

***LIAM'S POV***

My mother was talking about god knows what, all I could really think of was Jessie, I can't believe that she is here, I thought I was never going to see her again. She brings out the feelings I've been hiding for so long. And someone like her that I barely know I can't let her do that. But she wasn't just someone...

I dont't know what my mother is talking about, I excused myself and walked over to Jessie who was looking out to the street. I trailed her gaze and I saw a family walking by. 

"You really miss your parents," I began, searching for her eyes.

"You have no idea, I haven't been into this place since their death, and coming back here brings a lot of emotions to me," she choked at every word she said, I could feel the pain in her. God since when am I like this. 

I reached out for her hand not knowing what I was doing and I pushed her to my chest. God she belongs here in my arms, where nothing will happen to her. I don't know if my mom was looking right now, but all I could care about was Jessie.

Jessie didn't push away, she just hugged me tighter. 


Hey guys! Okay so I guess I decided to continue writing the story, even though I have no idea where I am going with it, i Make up things by the second. 

What do you think Liams dark secret is? Because I am still trying to figure it out, but it just felt right to write it down. 

Oh and I don't know if it is a good idea to write down the "POV" of Liam's and Jessie's. what do you guys think? 

Comment/ Follow/ Vot! 


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