Chapter 12

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I feel Marks hand falling into mine, squeezing it tightly.

"James for gods sake! your giving me a headache, what is it?!" I asked angrily.

"Lisa and I want you to be our maid of honor, and we want Mark to be my best man," he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Are you serious?! Oh man I would love to be your best man!"

"And I would love to be Lisa's Maid of honor!" I shrieked.

I can't believe my brother is getting married to my bestfriend! I've always wanted them to be friends, but this is just great!

"When are you guys getting married?!" I asked with excitement

"July 30th"

"That is awesome! im so excited for you guys, I want to make a dinner for all of us tell Lisa to get ready. I want you here by 8pm sharp!"

I looked at Mark and I kissed his lips we were finally going to be a one happy family and I cant wait to welcome Lisa to our family.


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