Chapter 24

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"James DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!" i yelled after james who was now beside the door.

"I'm going to teach that ASSHOLE A LESSON," I wanted to cry so hard, Mark was his bestfriend and just because of me now my brother wants to beat the shit out of him. 

"James please, I don't want to talk to him, i dont even want to see his face!" without even listening to my words, James opened the door and facing him was Mark.

Mark looked like he hadn't slept in 2 days, "You son of a bitch!" James screamed at him. 

"Just let me exp..." Mark let out.

"There is nothing to explain, you cheated on my sister you bastard. How could you hurt her like that?!" James was inches away from Marks face. 

"I didn't cheat on her!" Mark yelled back making me flinch from my seat. 

I walked slowly to the door and i looked at Mark, My tears were falling down my cheeks, "James let me have a moment alone with him, please" I begged James.

"No! i will not let him hurt you again, LISA! get Jessie away from here RIGHT NOW!" He called for my bestfriend. 

"No just let me talk to him, i'll be fine i promise you, i just need to talk to him" i looked at him sadly. as he moved away from the door, holding Lisa's hand to their bedroom. 

I moved away from the door letting Mark inside the house. "Just let me explain please Jessie," Mark pleaded. 

"No Mark, there is nothing to explain, How could you do this to me, you didn't tell me anything. you said your going to vist your parents. I.. I wanted to surprise you, meet your parents, stay with you so you won't be alone. but you were definitly not alone." I was crying and my tears were falling like a river, i wiped them away, i didn't want to look weak infront of him even though i felt like i was dying. 

"Jessie, please. Kat is my co-worker she came to help me with my work that we were assigned to!" Mark was now on his knees infront of me begging. 

"Mark WHAT THE FUCK! you dont go kissing your coworker, and don't you fucking lie to me! she was in her damn bed clothes! DON'T you LIE TO MY FACE!" I was now on my feet angry, how could he lie to my face, am i that soft? am i that stupid?!

"Mark get out, and don't ever talk to me again or call me or ever come here, I will come get my stuff when your outside with that bitch. Now get out, we are OVER!" I cried at the last three words, i never thought the love of my life would ever do this to me. i walked to the door and i opened it for him. Mark followed me and was still talking about how he wasn't cheating. I couldn't focus on what he was saying i just wanted him to leave me alone. 

"OUT!" i pushed him out the door and closed the door in his face. i Leaned back at the door, and i cried non stop, i sat down behind the door not knowing what to do with my life now. 


Hey guys, i hope you like this chapter, I know i know it is sad, but it will get better :)

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Love you guys K<3

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