She smiles as I cup her face, bringing her lips to mine. She tastes amazing, sweet as always, making me deepen the kiss. Her hands take hold of my wrists as she leans into me, sighing contentedly into my mouth as I work my tongue against hers slowly.

Kissing her.. I could never grow bored of it.

Tilting her head slightly, I walk her backwards till she's pressed up against the counter behind her. Letting me rest my hips against her, our bodies fitting together perfectly. Taking her bottom lip between my teeth, I nip at it lightly before diving back in and applying more pressure.

Our lips part slowly, us both already seeming to be a bit out of breath.

"How's that for a good morning kiss?" I ask.

"It... it was, that was good." She stumbles over her words, staring at my mouth.

"Just good? I guess I'll have to do better then."

I start leaning forward again but her hands pressing against my chest stops me.

"I have class remember? You keep doing that and I'll never leave."

"Not a great convincing argument." I laugh as she blushes. "But I'll stop... if you let me walk you to class."

"I don't think that's a good idea." She shakes her head.

"If he hasn't seen either of us sneak into eachother's flats, then he won't catch us on a campus full of people."


"Come on. What's the worst that could happen? Someone sees us and I say I'm there to see Nate and we just bumped into eachother. Simple as that."

"Nothings simple."

"Let me walk you. Please."

"Fine." She sighs, "But this is a one time thing."

"For now." I agree.

After mumbling in disagreement, she heads off to change. I hurriedly scarf down my breakfast before pulling on my usual pair of black skinnies and a tee shirt. I'm just stepping into my boots when Everly emerges from the bathroom, clad in a short dark blue sundress with her hair pulled back off her face.

Christ, she's beautiful.

I watch her as she snatches her bag off the coffee table, meeting her gaze.

"What?" She purses her lips at me.

"Nothing." I smile to myself, remembering last night.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." I grab my wallet and phone, sticking them in my back pocket before opening the front door.

Letting Everly step through first, I pull it closed and lock it before following her down the stairs. She stops right before we step outside the building, grasping the collar of my shirt.

Before I know it, her lips are on mine. Kissing me fervently as she pulls me closer. I don't hesitate in wrapping my arms around her waist, hugging her to me as I return the kiss.

I grin as we pull away from eachother. I open my mouth to ask her what that was for, but she's already stepping outside into the warm sunlight.

Walking next to eachother down the street almost seems odd. I feel as if I should reach out for her, hold her hand. It's what I want to do, but I can't. Not in public.

Not yet anyway.

Our coversations stays light, consisting of me mostly asking about her classes and schedule. After a quick ride on the tube, we're weaving our way in and out of traffic on 4th Street, headed towards the science building.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora