Before I could back away, Brad pushed forward, a stone cold expression on his face as pack members turned to see the commotion. When their eyes fell on Kaira, they began to hiss and growl, muttering traitor under their breath and faking a few steps closer.

"How can our own kind do something like this?" a voice rang out as someone stepped forward, teeth bared with a finger pointing towards her, "She deserves to die!"

Brad hushed her, raising his palm towards the crowd, "This is an execution, the traitor-" he spat the word out like it was a disease, "-is going to die for what she has done, she will be made an example of!"

I stood off to the side, guiltily watching the hospital where Ty lay as Brad spoke to the pack. This was wrong, I should be stopping this, why did I even suggest this? My eyes widened as the hospital door flipped open, a ragged Ty spilling out.

"Stop! You can't do this!" He yelled out, stumbling towards where we stood. Kaira immediately tugged harder, dragging her captor towards Ty. Brad's hand snapped out and latched onto Kaira, another guard darting to help the first.

"Ty," Brad said smoothly, "Glad to we you're feeling well enough to join us! Somebody help him-"

"Alpha," Ty shook away a packmate as they approached, shrugging the white hospital gown higher on his shoulder as he raised his chin. It was the first time I had heard Ty formerly address Brad, and regret soaked me to the bone. "You can't do this, please!"

"I have to," Brad placed a steady hand under Ty's arm, "What affiliation do you have to this traitor that would make you go against your own pack?"

I shook my head as Ty looked at me, silently willing him not to confess.

"She's my mate."

Immediately there was an uproar, packmates yelling and screaming at him that he was now a traitor. Yelling at Brad that he now deserves to be killed to. They turned on him, in just three words. I grabbed onto Ty as Brad released him and shoved him back, helping him to remain steady as I held him at my side. "Please," he whispered into my ear, looking straight at Kaira, "Don't let them do this."

"I won't," I promised, shielding him from insults shouted by the pack. "Enough!" I yelled louder, settling down the pack as they all turned to glare at Ty huddled behind me. "Your alpha and I will discuss the matter at hand. Until then, remain alert for the hunters, we will give you our final decision at sunset." There, just enough time to follow through with my promise.

Brad grabbed my hand, "Bring the traitor," he hissed at Ty, pulling me along towards the hospital as the guards handed Kaira to him. Eagerly she fell into his arms as a son I mess, tears staining her freckles cheeks as he weakly clutched onto her. Pulling free of Brad, I hurried over to help.

"Here, let me help." Ty smiled at me gratefully whilst Kaira growled when I reached for her. I cared not as the pack watched me attempt to help, risking a hand as I took Ty's arm and lead them off after Brad.

"We can't let her live," Brad said softly as soon as Ty was seated back in his hospital bed, Kaira fussing over his injuries.

"We have to, I promised," I mumbled to Brad, keeping my voice low so the new couple wouldn't hear our I discussion.

"I don't care if you swore on your life, the pack wants blood." Brad took both my hands in his as I profusely shook my head.

"Surely there is some law against this? Against killing another's mate?" Clutching at all the strings, my heart broke as I watched Kaira tend to Ty's wounds so affectionately. I had to protect them.

"There's nothing much I can do, especially since we had already agreed to an execution." I opened my mouth to respond, an argument building in my mind but he stopped me, "You know I would go to the ends of the world for you, you're literally my everything. But there are somethings I just can't give you, this is one of them. The pack will never trust me or follow me again!"

Dimly I nodded my head, what he said made sense and we couldn't afford losing the pack so close to the hunters attacking. Gingerly Brad kissed the top of my head, pulling my body against his. "I'm sorry," he mumbled into my hair, holding me tightly for a few seconds before letting go. "I'll go let the pack know, the execution will be at sunset." I watched him leave, half heartedly making my way towards the bed.

"I'm guessing it didn't go in our favor, did it?" Ty asked with a sad smile, holding onto Kaira's hands as she watched me shake my head.

"I tried, but he doesn't want to risk losing the pack over a life."

Ty sighed, "It's alright, I would do the same in his situation. Which is why I'm going to die with Kaira."

"What?" My head snapped up to meet his serious gaze, "You can't do that!"

"I have to, without my mate, the world would mean nothing. Picture you losing Brad, what would you do?" He nodded as I hesitated to find an answer that would convince him out of his plan. "Exactly."

"What if I cover for you?" I said suddenly, clutching at the bed rail eagerly. "I'll go outside, cause a commotion and you two can make a run for it!"

"Riley, you can't do that-"

"Why not?" Kaira sneered, glaring at me, "She got us in this mess so she should get us out."

"But the pack will turn on Riley and crumble," Ty kissed her forehead softly, "I can't let that happen to them, I won't be a traitor."

"She deserves it, this was her idea after all." Kaira's flight or fight instincts were taking over and she looked half ready to attack me herself.

I spoke before Ty could shut her down, "Kaira is right, I'll make it through this. I promised you I would get you out, and I don't plan on breaking that promise."

"But we can't just become rogues," Ty stated, shaking his head profusely as Kaira groaned loudly.

"You can come back when it's all over, you'll still have your place in the pack and you'll still be my friend." I smiled warmly at him, almost reaching over for a hug before Kaira glared at me for getting too close. Clearing my throat, I walked towards the door, "Get ready to run, rest for a small while but be ready at any time." At that, I shut the door behind myself, exiting the room and hospital itself.

"What are you up to?" Brad questioned as I walked towards him, snaking a warm, reassuring arm around my waist. "What do you seem so pleased about?"

"Nothing," I tried to hide my face from him, burying it into his shoulder so he wouldn't find me out. If he knew of the plan, he would never let it go through. He would surely stop me and bring forward the prosecution. "Ty wants to go with Kaira, you have to do something! He can't die." I tried, changing the subject hurriedly, proving my lips into a small frown.

"If he wants to die with her, then I won't be the one to stop him."

"But he's your friend?!" I pulled back, searching his face for any trace of teasing, that perhaps he was going to laugh and say that Kaira could stay.

"He stopped being my friend the moment she became his mate."

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