Chapter 4 - Exchange Notes

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Warren's phone hadn't stopped beeping since the couple drove over. Rhea caught Christian's caller ID and wondered why her boyfriend was ignoring the asshole. His attention seemed to be reserved for her in the elevator. They were surrounded by a few other residents, one of them was an older lady who wouldn't stop staring at the couple, evidently wondering what shenanigans they were up to. Rhea has no idea what her problem was but she couldn't be bothered to deal with it. Her priorities were fixated on receiving Red's blessing.

The pop star told her he couldn't jump from seeing Rhea as his childhood friend to a girlfriend. Rhea came to terms with his decision and focused her energy on Warren, only to learn that Red didn't approve of their relationship either. He said he didn't want people dating Rhea when he was still sorting out his feelings for it. It was all so unresolved. Rhea didn't know if Red was admiring to  liking her or not. His rejection was apparently a plea for time. How the hell was she supposed to know that? How could she wait another minute after liking him for six years? It was time to move on.

The older lady stepped up to get out of the elevator. Rhea took a deep breath and stared at the floor numbers. Only two more stops until they reached the penthouse. "It's going to be okay," Warren whispered seeing through her panic.

"Stop saying that," Rhea muttered. "It's not helping."

Warren turned to face her as the elevator emptied. His phone beeped again. Rhea closed her eyes, filling up with anticipation. Her boyfriend held her face in his hands and said, "I love you and nothing is going to change that."

The metal contraption opened. Rhea quickly let go of her boyfriend's hand. Warren walked behind her, making his way past the pillars and into the living area. Red was seated on of long sofa, his eyes glued to his phone. He seemed undisturbed by his friends' presence for the time being.

"Hey," Warren said. "Rhea and I have something to tell you."

Oh my god! This guy did not waste any time did he? How the hell could he just jump into the conversation so boldly? After she stalled for almost half an hour and went through what they were and weren't supposed to say in the car? Well maybe it was better than beating around the bush.

Red looked up to meet Rhea's eyes. His brown irises gleamed under the penthouse fluorescents, complimenting his olive complexion and dirty brown hair. Comfortably fitted in a pair of trousers and hoodie, his lanky legs were spread out behind the coffee table. "What's up?" Red asked his producer.

"Put the phone down and we'll tell you," Warren replied assertively.

Rhea stood still and tried not to implode. She watched Red put his phone awa and face them. "You two okay?" he asked. "What happened?"

Warren moved up to where Rhea was standing and held her hand. Red waited for Rhea's reaction, but when she didn't fight Warren off, he pieced things together. "Are we doing this again?" Red asked bitterly. "Because I really don't want to."

Rhea let go of Warren's hand and stepped up to where Red was. "It's not all in his head this time," she said slowly. "We wanted to come over and tell you together that we started seeing one another. Not as friends or people with benefits or whatever else you might think this is. Warren and I are dating."

"Dating?" Red laughed.

Warren nodded. "Dating."

Red sat back on the couch and stared at them dumbfounded. "Are you serious?"

"Do you not want to accept it because you're still deciding whether or not you have feelings for her or because you're worried I'm going to screw this up?" Warren was so composed it was a little terrifying.

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