December 5

68 3 0

Dear Journal,

I don't know what to think of what happened the last few days. First I was kidnapped by the Axis, then attacked by the Nordics, Thurston had almost killed me and Flavio, then Oliver just happened to be going shopping while I was running away.

I'm back at my house with Matt, Oliver, Kuma, and Francois but this time with Flavio. I really don't know what Oliver was thinking, but he's sleeping in my bed and healing slowly. I kinda feel sorry for him. That bullet was supposed to go through my head. Not his lungs.

I sit on the edge of the bed as I write this. Call me weak, call me a sorry excuse for a 2p. I don't care. I just don't like seeing someone like this because of me.

Oh. Oliver's calling for me. Brb.


Okay.... I don't know what to be doing now. I'm back in my room with Flavio. He was awake a few moments ago. But he was in a lot of pain. So Oliver had to knock him out again. Matt has been trying to get me to play outside with him. I went outside once already. And, I still kinda don't trust Matt playing hockey or baseball. He also broke my nose (again) about an hour ago.

Well, there's nothing else really. Oliver was fussing about me because I took the bandage off my neck and it apparently it still looks pretty bad.

Yeah. Peace. I guess.


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