October 30

109 3 0

Dear Journal,

Today, I swear, was the weirdest fucking day ever. We were told to wear our Halloween costumes to school today. I didn't think people actually would do it!

I saw at least two inflatable fat suits hopping around. A pink, a green, and a black body suit. Even some anime characters that I think I saw Kuro looking at one day. What scared me was I swear I saw someone dressed up as Alfred.

He came up to me and threw his arm around me. At least, I'm guessing it was a guy.

"Yo, Al. Nice to see ya here. I thought you were locked up in DC though. What're you doing here?" He said, glancing down at me.

(Yes down at me. He was at least two or three inches taller then me. And he also had fancy boots that made him taller.)

I tried to throw his arm off of me. How did he know about that? He wasn't one of the states, was he?

"Get off of me, you bastard." I muttered and ducked as low as I could to get away.

The bastard just grabbed the collar of my jacket and held me there. If I had my bat, that kid would've died then and there.

I probably shouldn't be writing this, should I? If Matt or Alfred reads this, I'm so dead. But, then again............. okay. I'll keep writing. Why the hell not.

He laughed, which sounded like Alfred's, but a bit higher in pitch and lower in volume. "I'll take you back after school today, okay?"

"Nope." Was my immediate answer. "Who are you, anyway?"

"I'm George! Or Virginia as you might know." He smiled. "No need to introduce yourself, Allen. Or 2p America."

So, after that, he stuck around me All. Fucking. Day! It was annoying as hell, how much he was like Alfred. It was also kinda scarey.

But! The good thing about today: Halloween is tomorrow and I escaped George. I really hope he doesn't tell anyone (Alfred) I was there.


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