December 12

73 3 1

Dear Sam,

Is that a good name? I'm not sure. But I'm close to passing out from exhaustion. I'm still probably gonna change it.

Okay, today I had to get up at 8:30 because Kuma was climbing onto my bed. And I had to change my sheets because his claws dug holes in them.

Oliver got me dressed up and he said to stay still or he would shove a cupcake down my throat. I had to wear a white shirt with a robot dinosaur on it. Light blue jeans that were really stiff for some reason. One of those hoodies with a mask attatched. Mine was a Captain America thing. And also a baseball cap with a bear on it.

Then on top of that, I had a blue coat that had so many pockets. A blue and black scarf and black mittens. Talk about a lot of clothing articles.

And so, I was a bundled up marshmellow thing and we went to Sacramento for some Christmas thing.

When we got there, Oliver told me to hold onto Matt and for Matt to keep an eye on me. I hated it, but Matt loved it. Because he held me by my hood the entire time we were walking around. We went to some crab shack place and they messed up our orders big time. So I got free ice cream as an "I'm sorry for fucking up your meal"

Then we went to the toy store and got lots of light up things. I got a thing that I could launch into the air and it got stuck on the roof so I got Matt's light foam sword.

Then the light thing started. I'm telling you, it was stupid and it was cold. Oliver got hot chocolate for us and I finished mine pretty quickly.

Well, I'm gonna sleep now.


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