November 13

88 3 0

Dear Journal,

I watched that DVD until I passed out last night. Apparently it's this anime called Soul Eater that Ethan really likes. Apparently Logan, Wyatt, and Grace like it to. It was actually quote intertaining to watch. Matt made fun of me but do I ever give a fuck?

And I decided to skip school today. It's Friday, so what's the point? And Matt kinda dragged me off to do some things. He dropped me off at some hoe's house and said she was gonna be my babysitter so I might as well get used to her. I, of course told her to go fuck with someone who actually cares. Why did I need a babysitter anyway? I'm not a little helpless child. I can take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter.

Anyway, I'm just lounging in the guest bedroom while the girl, her name is Alice I believe, is in he kitchen making something while smacking away on the phone.

I wonder where Matt went off to that he had to leave me at someone else's house. How did he even meet her?

Oh. I'm getting hungry and I smell good food.


That food was surprisingly good. But I swear they were fucking drugged. My stomach was killing me and my head hurt so much I fell asleep almost as soon as I laid down on the bed. And when I woke up, Alice was talking over the phone, standing in the doorway like a barrier.

And I woke up about an hour or two ago. She is still standing there, obviously talking about me. And apparently the person she was talking to now loved to talk. They've been talking forever!

Oh. The doorbell. Matt better be here.


Nope. Wasn't Matt. Definatly wasn't Matt. It was a billion times worse. It was the Axis. Luciano, Kuro, and Lutz. 2p Northern Italy, 2p Japan, and 2p Germany. Whatever you want to call them.

Apparently Matt was dumb enough to trust Alice who is working with the Axis, surprisingly. And I have to suffer for my brother being a dumbass. I'm now a captive by the Axis.

Kill me now!


((Wattpad messed up. I published this chapter but apparently it published the next one. Sorry guys if you were confused.))

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