November 26

63 3 0

Dear Journal,

Lutz fucking took this dia-journal. He kept it and I bet read it all. Flavio finally managed to get it back, after saying that it was his, asking Luciano for it, and earning laughter thrown at him. Shouldn't they be laughing at me? It is mine after all. And Lutz knows it.

Oh, for the past ten days, I've been treated like a child again. Well, at leasy by Flavio. He even took me shopping. It was so fucking boring! He got me things he said matched my style or whatever.

I got to meet Andres (2p Spain) and he had to watch me at his house for a day. I wasn't kidnapped this time, which I was a bit disappointed with to be honest.

Also it seems Flavio has grown attatched to me. Don't think that's a good thing. He's been making sure food Luciano or Kuro makes is "vegan safe". I have no idea what that means, but I think it means he makes sure I can (will) eat it.

I'm gonna go to sleep now before Flavio comes back. I'm supposed to be asleep anyway.


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