November 2

96 6 0

Dear Journal,

Today is obsolute tourture right now! Apparently because I'm now the "baby of the house" as Oliver puts it, (Matt makes a comment saying that I always was) he has put it in his mind that he had to treat me just like how he did when I actually was a new country.

So now I sit behind Francios, hiding from Oliver and write this. Oliver already dressed me up in my old clothes an-

Sorry I had to snap the book shut, Matt scared the crap out of me. He picked me up and actually put me on his shoulders. The view was actually pretty cool, looking down at everyone even Matt. He walked to his room and threw me onto his bed. Kuma curled up behind me so I had a furry, but not exactly comfy, pillow.

And Matt gave me my old bat that I had! It still even had the crack from when I hit his hockey stick at the wrong angle. He was actually nice! I hope he didn't do it just so he could rub it in that he got to treat me like a child or that I owe him a favor now.

Gotta run. Oliver has cupcakes for me to try.

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