November 28

68 3 0

Dear Journal,

My head is killing me!

I have no idea what happened yesterday, but I woke up in a completly different house but Flavio was still there. But he was standing in the doorway and I could see a crossbow in his hand. I didn't even know he owned one, let alone hold it like he knew how to use it.

He left a while ago, said he would be right back and that I would be safer here. As soon as his footsteps faded away, I took this out to write in it. Looking bakc at how much I wrote so far, makes me feel like a schoolgirl or something.

Oh. Footstels running down the hall!


Okay. Flavio explained everything. The house we were in before was attacked by the Nordics (2p). And everyone had to either flee or fight. Flavio chose to fight his way out with an unconsious me over his shoulder. He did knock me unconsious so it would be easier to carry me.

Apparently everyone is split up. And Flavio is acting... non-Flavio....ish. He has a serious look on his face and he's speaking in a bit of a deeper voice like Lovino.

It was a bit scarey, to be honest. You don't expect Flavio to act like that. Or have a look in his eyes that was colder then Luciano's.

Anyway, Flavio told me to hide in this room and not leave. He said that if I do, I might as well be dead be ause apparently Thurston (2p Finland) is hunting us. Oh joy! I wish I had my bat. Or at least Matt. I'd rather be with Matt then here.

(And the rest of this page was blackened and burned along with the next few pages so I will try go translate. If I can't, I'll just skip it until I can. But here's the rest of this entry.)

Attacked by Thurston..... Flavio hurt..... clothes singed..... Oliver was...... Thurston out...... Allen......

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