November 16

71 3 0

Dear Journal,

I'm officially freaked out.

The one to visit me yesterday turned out to be Flavio. Flavio was dressed in his usual white suit with a light blue shirt underneath. He had a pink scarf around his neck and pink sunglasses on.

"I wonder who Luci is keeping down here this time." Was what I heard before he spotted me.

He ran towards me and I saw his wide purple eyes from behind his sunglasses. He kept blabbing on how his fratelino was acting like he was on his period. He unlocked the cell and pulled me into a hug.

I almost died from all the purfume and shit he put on himself. He held me close to him like a baby and ran upstairs. And he said a sentence that made my blood run cold.

"Papa Flavio is going to take care of you from now on, okay Allen?"

I am now in clean clothes fresh out of a bath. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say the yelling downstairs is Flavio and Luciano fighting like an old married couple. Then again, they probably are.

Flavio has been acting like a worried mother over me all day. He's worse then Oliver. His bed is actually quite comfy. And he was out last night so I got it all to myself. Also, the pinkness and girlyness of this room is making me dizzy. I think I'll go wander around the halls for a while. Try to find a way out besides jump out the window to my death.


Apparently I can't wander around when Luci is home.

I walked a few steps down the hall and was already picked up. I squirmed a bit and saw it was Luciano. He told me that just because Flavio was taking care of me now doesn't mean that he will like me. I didn't give a fuck. My last one ran out the door. I have no more to give.

I told him that, earning me a drop kick. Once I was done falling down the stairs, Kuro stabbed his sword into the back of my shirt (which I borrowed from Flavio) and lifted me up that way. Seriously! How many different ways can you pick up a kid!

He, of course, told me that I looked pathetic. Like I needed him to tell me! I sat in the kitchen, with no sword or hand on my shirt, and listened to them talk. They were surprisingly talking like normal humans. Not like 2ps. But like how me and my friends talk at school.

Oh! That reminds me of the many tests/quizzes I had. Oh well. Can't do that when I'm being held captive. And I don't think a taxi could help me get out of this one.

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