November 3

112 5 1

Dear Journal,

Right now I'm in the kitchen watching Oliver as he makes dinner. I have a feeling he's making some sort of chicken pot pie. It actually smells kinda good, to be honest. He's talking as well as he cooks. Here's a few things he's saying.

"Oh, poppet. You remember when you were young? I used to make pies for you and Mattie when you got sick all the time. You two were so young. Franny thought it was funny because you would be talking like Matthew and coughing nonstop. Mattie on the other hand would be in bed all day, really cold or really hot and was very weak. You remember, right Al?"

I just nodded. And he just went on talking. Talking about stories of when I was younger.

Well, there's nothing else to write so I might as well put this in my room for the day.


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