October 16th

132 5 0

Dear Journal,

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

As I took a personal tour around the town I found, I was stopped by the police who asked me if I was this kid. They showed me a picture of me, as a child, and it looked like I was yelling at the camera man.

I should've known what Alfred was doing...

Apparently the excuse, "because I do to look like this." isn't a good one to get out of trouble with. They took me to a middle school and said that apparently I was supposed to be there.

They treated me like child as they talked to the vice principle, Mr. I-Don't-Fucking-Care. I got to have the most boring chat ever! Stuff about what I like to do and shit like that. Then a short boy named Michael showed me around to my classes.

I have to go to school next Monday or they'll tell "my dad" (Alfred) where I'm at. They think Alfred is my fucking

Well, I guess I might as well. I wonder what's being taught to the children, anyway.


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