October 31

111 5 0

Dear Journal,

I don't know what I'm supposed to do today. I don't have any clothes with blood (surprisingly), no money to get something to wear.

Hold on. Doorbell's ringing.

There apparently is an old lady that lives across from me and here's what she said.

"I noticed that you live alone. Correct deary? I bet your parents kicked you out of their house because you're unique, you poor thing. So, I got you this candy bucket and this costume my grandson wore last year. I hope you have a happy Halloween dear!"

And she just left after handing me the plastic bag and weirdly decorated black bucket. I opened the bag and saw it was a pretty ironic costume in my opinion. It was a hockey outfit. With the hockey stick included. And I know what those look like that's to Matt.

Well, I want candy and to not be bothered by people wanting candy from me so why not go trick-or-treating. If I remember correctly, it usually starts when it gets dark. Why do I feel so excited? Is it because I'm a child? Yeah. That must be it.


Haha. I officially hate Halloween. Karma really hates me. And here's why.

I was out scaring some younger kids. Then some girl who looked a foot taller then me with her goddamn tall heels walked up to me and started saying how she had seen me at school and was wondering if I could get a treat with her at her house.

My first thought: Where the fuck was her clothes?

Second thought: Hell no. I do not take "treats" from people. Oliver taught me that.

Third thought: Peace biach!

I kinda turned on my heel and walked away. She grabbed my arm and I got out of her grip, but not without her long fake nails breaking as she scratched me.

I heard her scream that I was gonna pay for breaking her nails. So I began to fucking sprint. I ducked down a quiet street and ran straight smack into someone. I stumbled back, being in this weak child's body, and I was about to yell and the jerk for being in my way. But when I looked up, it was Matt. And here's the comversation we had.

Me: Oh. Um, hi. I like your outfit.

Matt: What the fucking hell happened to you?

Me: What are you talking about?

Matt: Don't play dumb with me. I know my brother when I see him, Allen.

Me: You don't called me Allen unless I'm in huge trouble or we whem we were younger.

Matt: So, I repeat myself. What the fucking hell happened to you?

Me: Well, it's a long story....

Then Matt swung his hockey stick over his shoulder and bent down before picking me up.

I, of course, starting hitting him with the hockey stick that I got. But the damn thing was plastic and not very good.

"Wow. You've gotten weak." Matt said. "Just like when we were younger. Remember?"

I growled in reply to that.

Matt took me to this place and sat me down in the bedroom I'm currently in now. I wonder if it's okay to sleep. Well, night.


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