November 10

91 6 0

Dear Journal,

Okay, as much really hate to admit it, I had fun today.

When I woke up, Matt was making pancakes. He even let me make shapes with the batter. Like a turtle, a snowman, fun shapes like that. Then I got dressed in a navy blue shirt and my usual jacket. Matt took me outside and we went to the basketball court nearby. It was a game we both sucked at. And at least it wasn't volleyball. A few kids even joined us so it turned into an all out game. I think Matt let us win, though. I got to know the kids and found out they all go to a private school about ten miles down some road I forget.

They said that everyone around this area who went to the local elementary school is going there. I don't exatly know if I want to. If I could go back to the school I was at, I'd go.

Anyway, after that, Matt took me to Walmart and we got food and other shit. I wasn't really paying attention. Then we drove back to the house and gave me a few school things and said he was taking me to school tomorrow. He pushed me in the direction of my room so I went there. And here I am now.

Oh. Something smells good. I'm going to go see what it is.

Matt made some sort of Canadian dish he called a Christmas Brunch Casserole. I think it was a Canadian dish, I don't really know. But it was actually quite good. Considering it was made by Mattie, I mean.

Well, I'm gonna sleep. I'm gettibg tired, and I got school tomorrow. Joy.


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