November 5

89 3 0

Dear Journal,

Now I wish I wasn't nice to Oliver yesterday when it came to his cooking. He actually did put something in the frosting. I am not surprised one bit, but I am fucking mad at him. Now my stomach is hurting like Matt just hit me with his hockey stick. And that hurts a lot more then it might sound.

And as I sit here in my room, Oliver burst through the door (he just left as I write this) and this is what happened.

"Oh! You were going to a school, correct Al? You know, before Mattie found you."

I nodded.

"Did you have any friends? Because I was thinking you and Matt could go back and you could go to school, and Mattie could watch you like he did when you were both this tall." He bent down and put his hand as his knee.

I shook my head. "How about no? I'm not going back to school. And definatly no, Matt is not going to take care of me by himself."

Oliver nodded. "Okay. I'm so glad you gave me your opinion, poppet! Come down for supper, okay?"

Totally. I bet he didn't even hear my protest. And I bet I'll be going back to school by Monday. Oh joy.

Well, I'm getting hungry. Bye.


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