[ 6 ]

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[ Dedicated to hisxsmirk ]

 [ Cassandra's POV ]

Almost the whole week of school passed by with no retaliation from Melanie.

I was growing more worried with each passing day. Sure, I received scathing glares from Melanie every time I passed her, Sasha and Diana in the corridors, but nothing serious.


I mean, I threw a bloody basketball at her face, wouldn't anyone seek revenge?

My question was soon answered the following Friday morning.


"Hey loser, we're here." Shane parked the car in the school's lot and cut the engine.

"Stop calling me that." I snapped.

"Why?" He smirked, turning to face me in the passenger seat. Lisa and Jason had some family event to attend today, so they were skipping school, and Daniel had hitched a ride with another friend, so it was just Shane and I in the car today. "You don't like it?"

"Of course I don't like it." I huffed, getting out of the car. Shane followed suit. We walked side by side through the double doors and into the crowded and noisy hallway.

Over the past week or so, I had been getting used to the unashamed staring. A few girls had actually approached me asking why I was suddenly hanging with Shane, but since Lisa was always by my side, they backed off quickly when they received one of her lethal glares. Apparently the only reason they talked to me was so they could somehow use me to get to Shane. They had tried doing that with Lisa too, but the girl's fiery personality warded off many desperate females who wanted nothing more than to hang with the 'cool crew'.

That was what everyone in Bells Bay called them, apparently.

I wondered why I was even allowed to stick around with them in the first place.

"Lisa seems to like you." was Shane's reply when I voiced my thoughts.

"How come she doesn't hang with any other girls?"

Shane shrugged. "She thinks they're all annoying and fake, and she prefers hanging with guys."

"Less drama?"

"Yeah, something like that."

We walked down the packed corridor, ignoring the hushed whispers that always seemed to follow me now, and parted ways at the end, each heading to our respective lockers.

I retrieved my biology textbooks from my locker, slammed it closed and started walking to my classroom.

The day progressed slowly, with me attending my classes and constantly keeping a lookout for Melanie or her cronies. I wasn't sure how I knew this, but something told me they were going to strike today.

It was just after 6th period when it finally did happen.


"All boys in the swimming team," a female voice crackled over the speaker in my English classroom, interrupting the teacher's lecture on the use of quotes in persuasive writing, "please come to the gymnasium for a meeting."

Beside me, Shane grumbled. I guess he was part of that team. He gathered his things, muttered a quiet 'see you later' to me, and headed for the door, nodding at the teacher on his way out.

Immediately, the teacher continued his droning.

The bell rang then, and I was the first out the door, making a beeline for my locker.

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