Chapter 34

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I was running, i don't know where i was going. i was just running as fast as i could not looking back.

I turned to the left and ran until i saw a bridge, i jumped to the river and saw that there was a small hand. i swam further and saw that it was a baby i took him and swam up for air and to safety.

I carried him up until we were at dry land. i checked his heartbeat, he's still alive! but he wasn't breathing ...


I jolted awake and saw that it was just a dream... mikhail looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I shook my head no, i can hear faint cries of the baby... i have to help him! i think it's not just a dream!

I ran as fast as i could covering my scent, i ran and ran and ran just like what i did in the dream.

I did everything excluding hearing mikhail yelling my name and running to me.

I turned to the left corner of the street and ran for dear life! i saw the bridge! i ran for it and jumped for the river. i swam deep into the river and saw the baby that was in my dream. i got him and swam up, i saw that mikhail jumped in also, i gave him the baby.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I was about to answer but my foot got pulled by something! i looked down to see who it was or what it was, it was weed that was pulling me down.

It's controlled i know it is, weed ain't supposed to pull down a foot! i shouted "release me" in the water. the weed instantly released me but not before fighting dominance. that was odd, i swam up for air. as i got up i took a big breath,

"Fuck you got me worried!" mikhail yelled, he was holding the baby. i could see the baby staring at me as i got out of the river and into dry ground.

I hadn't seen mikhail looking stressed like this eversince he moved to our pack, "don't fucking do that again,you gave me a heart attack!" he yelled again.

Then the baby cried, "don't yell and cuss! there's a baby!" i yelled.

"I can't help it! you got me worried running and jumping without saying anything!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry." i said. "give me the baby." he handed me the baby.

"Hi there little fella." i said to the baby boy. He stopped crying, and looked at me.

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