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Shane's POV

After me and liam ate the pizza I made he decided we should practice shooting. I was fine with that it makes me feel good to know how to protect myself. We decided it was best for the baby if we stopped doing anything like crazy boxing or self defense anymore. I just want this baby to be healthy and happy and have a good life.


Harry's POV

Sitting in her fathers office waiting for his phone call to end I try and I think of how to impress him. I need him to trust me and I want him to let me protect her with out Liam. "Harry just the guy I wanted to see. I need to talk to you about some plans I have to get Sam dead. I can't sit around and continue to hide this is bullshit that were in hiding right now." I guess he doesn't care why I came in here than. "Okay so what's your plan." I say trying to please him. "Okay so we're going to catch Sam off guard he's young and naive to running a gang isn't something he's an expert in. We're gunna get him alone but do that we're going to make him a deal that he couldn't possibly turn down." He says. "What kind of deal." I ask interested now. "I haven't figured out the exact details yet but we may have to involve Shane. which is something I don't want to do but if it's the only way to get rid off him, than we might have to take some risks."  He says making me clench my knuckles. "Your not serious Shane can not be put in harms way again especially considering she is also pregnant. Does he know she's pregnant with his kid?" "I'm not sure but we have to end this for good." Ughhh "well what's your plan than? Step by step I want to know everything. Nothing can go wrong.


Anger i was feeling anger. She was making me feel these strong, crazy things. I was angry at everything around me. Why does all this shit have to happen. Why does she get all this crap happen to her? What did she do? Why is her dad so willing to put her in harms way. Why am I so angry about everything.

Shane's POV
My dad decided I need to go release some stress because it's been hard lately and it's just going to get worse. Stress isn't good for the baby he says. I'm fine honestly but I'll go along with it just because I think Harry needs a stress reliever so I'll pretend it's for me and take him with me.

You must carry weapons he says. My daughter will no longer go out with out some kind of weapon. This is just procaution he says but I'm not sure I agree.


We're going to the movies so I can get out and not be seen by too many people. It's a movie theater in a hot spot for American tourist so it's an American movie theater. We're going to see daddy's home. Because the previews looked so good and it looks hilarious we all decided it was the best choice. Than after the movie were going shopping so I can get stuff for this baby and myself.

Bobby's POV
It's perfect it will be dark no one will see her. She can relieve some stress and it will be a great double date me and my lovely wife and Harry and Shane. My family will be happy and safe for once and tomorrow we will start the plan to finally take down Sam/Brad.

Sam/Brad POV
Stupid stupid people. They thought they could be happy. They thought they could have a family. They thought wrong. I'm going to destroy them. That stupid guy with his curly hair thinking he can have her. Touch her. Kiss her. No. No. No. Not on my watch. Not ever. She's mine. This stupid excuse of a gang of you can even call it that her dumb father owns is ending tonight. Don't think I won't hesitate to take any and all measures to make this happen tonight.

Lots of stuff happening in the next couple chapters. I'm sick so I'm updating today haha.

If there is anyone reading this comment what you think.

Everything you do is super fucking cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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