Strong and angry.

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Previously on scared to love.
"W-what happened to you when you got kidnapped?"
(Always wanted to do that)

I swallow hard and try to calm down. I'm doing the best I can to not think about it. "I-um they they left me in this old,dark room for hours upon hours. Until this guy came in and started touching me. I-I tried to stop him.h-he was t-to strong and I was w-weak." I stuttered as fresh tears started flowing down my cold cheeks. "Hey come here." Harry says wrapping his arm around my cold body and holding me. "H-he wouldn't stop and I couldn't do anything a-and h-he started h-hitting me. I-I just don't understand why. Why m-me?" Harry's hold seemed to tighten at the mention of someone hitting me. "Shane I'm so sorry bad things happen to you and I don't know why. Sometimes there's just horrible, bad people out there who don't care about others so they try and hurt them. But I promise I'll never let that happen to you again." He says taking my breath away. "Why is it always me harry what have I done wrong to deserve this?" I say breaking down completely. "I don't know why bad things happen to good people but I know that it will only make you stronger." "I-I'm not strong harry I'll never be strong. I'm weak and helpless." I say looking down in shame. "Your not weak at all Shane. Your probably the strongest person I know. You've been through so much more than anyone I know. Yet you still can make the courageous decision to keep this child growing inside of you when some teen moms would have got an abortion just because they think their mothers will hate them or kick them out. Your stronger than you think." He says. He doesn't know about what you used to do when you were in pain. "Harry I'm not strong trust me I'm not." I say hoping he doesn't ask why I think that. "Why would you even say that when your not even close to weak." Harry says. "I'm not strong harry look at these." I say pulling up my sleeve to show him multiple tiny scares on my wrists. I look up at him to see he's been crying and he looks like he's in physical pain. He grabs my arm and runs his thump over them. I pull my hand back scared. "Don't do that." I say pulling my sleeve back down quickly. "Trust me." He says reaching for my arm again. At first I hesitate but when I look up at him, his expression is full of concern and sorrow so I give him my arm and watch him rub his thump over my scares again. This time he rubs his thump across it making sure to touch each and every single one. Tears start to fall down my face as he brings my arm up to him and starts giving each scar a gentle kiss. It was weird at first but when I looked at him I knew he was just trying to show me how much he cares. People were giving us extra looks but I didn't care. The boy in front of me was doing something so beautiful and so caring that I thought I could burst with happiness.

We were currently eating at some turkey leg place with the rest of our group and everyone was almost done. "Okay so us girls are going to go get those cool old school photos and you guys can go do whatever k." Leslie says wiping her face with her napkin and carelessly throwing it on her empty plate. "Okay I guess we'll go walk around and look for something to do than." Louis says. "Okay well let's go then." Sierra says. I go throw away my trash and when I turn around a nervous harry is standing behind me. "Your sure about this." He says. "Harry you'll be fine louis' not that bad." I say trying to reassure him. "It's not just that. I don't want to leave you again." He says making my heart clench. "Harry it's okay Sierra and Leslie will be with me and if anything happens I will call you okay." "I just don't want a repeat of the last time I let you leave without me." "Harry it wasn't your faults trust me if I thought this was a bad idea I won't go through with it but it's perfectly fine." "I guess your right I just don't want anything bad to happen to you again." "It's okay harry. Besides I won't even be alone." He pulls me in for a tight hug. I almost flinch but instead I just relax because no matter how hard I try and believe he will hurt me. Deep down I know he would never do that. "Just be careful." He says into my ear. "I will. Bye harry." I say pulling away. "Bye Shane." And than we walk separate directions. Him towards Louis and me towards Leslie and Sierra.

"That was the cutest thing ever what did he say." Leslie says. "You guys are so cute together." Sierra adds. "Well he told me to be careful because the last time he let me go I got kidnaped. But I told him it was fine because I got you guys." I tell them. "Aww he's protective that's so cute." Leslie says. "Okay guys calm down." "Shane this is great your finally going to have a boyfriend who will treat you like he's supposed too." Sierra says. "Not yet slow down." "What your telling me that if that piece if hotness asked you out right now you would say no because that's too fast for you." Leslie says causing me to laugh at her referring to harry as a piece of hotness. "Well I wouldn't say no but I would say ask me in like a month or a few weeks or something." "Shane why are you making yourself wait. We can all clearly see how good he is to you and your not even dating." Sierra says. "Guys can be sweet and caring at first and than turn into assholes after awhile. I don't think that's harry but I can't take any chances I have to look out for myself and now a baby." I explain. " I guess your right." They say in unison.

Once were done taking our pictures we head to the front where we agreed to meet the boys. Once we get there I spot a very pissed harry yelling at Louis. Great I guess louis' plan didn't go so we'll.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.
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