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Shane's POV

It was happening again I was at a another high school party. It was pretty dark drunk people everywhere. People smoking on the couches and people dancing way to close to each other. I was pushing my way through the sweaty crowd to get away from the whole party scene, when I looked up to see where the door was that's when I saw a very familiar blonde.


I turned around as fast as I could pushing and shoving as hard as my small muscles would allow. Everyone was so close together grinding on anything that moved. Thats what made it so hard to get away. I didn't know what to do other than run so I screamed. "Help me please help me. Get away from me." It proved pointless considering the loud music blaring from the large speakers placed through out the house. All the sudden my head was jerked back by a hard yank on my hair. I almost lost my balance and fell but someone's large body prevented that. "It's been a long time Shane." Sam's chilling voice whispered in my ear. My body began to shake as I looked around for someone to help me anybody.

The dancing bodies couldn't careless. No one was paying any attention to anything other than their sexual desires. His hand roughly yanked my forearm to the left. "We should get you a drink sweatheart i don't like it when you fight back it's much better when you lay still under my touch." He said making goosebumps raise all over my body. I don't know what happened but some kind of courage was lit inside of me. I quickly yanked my arm out of his grip and pushed away from him. "I'm not going anywhere or drinking anything." I shouted at him. "You stupid bitch." Sam shouts grabbing my arm and pushing with so much force that I lose my balance and fall to the ground slamming my head against the counter on the way down. "ple-plea." i tried to tell them to help and him to stop but my vision got blurry and slowly turned to a swirl of blackness. before I lost total consciousness I screamed with all the power I chould muster. "please stop. help me please."


Bobby's POV (shane's dad for those who don't remember)

I had to do this to keep my family safe no one would suspect us to separate. I had to lie to Shane it was the only way to make her feel as safe as I could make her. what she doesn't know is that there isn't just someone stalking us there's someone out to kill us. that's all I know as of now but I'm headed to a meeting with a special team I hired to track down whoever is after us and find out who they are , who there associated with, what there motive is, and everything about them.


"sir you may want to sit down this may be a lot to take in for you right now." my lead investigator jerry says to me as I walk into the room. " alright tell me everything you know don't hold back I need to know everything so I can finish this." I say thinking about the danger my family is in. "we have reason to believe that this man is not after your family. he is after Shane." he pulls out a picture of built male figure from a side view. his head is facing the opposite way so identifying him is hard. "do you have any idea why he wants her?" "we believe he has something to do with the kidnapping of your daughter. His name is Brad Splinter he's the son of John Splinter the one that was responsible for Shane's kidnapping." he pulls out more photos of this guy Brad. he looks familiar very familiar. that's when it hits me that's Sam. that's the same fucking guy that raped Shane. I'm going to cut his throat open with my teeth and than shot his dick 10 million fucking times he's dead to me.


Sorry this is late and short but I'm going to be updating a lot more now so don't worry.

Also sorry it's so short I had to rewrite this whole chapter.

Sam is back oh shit.

what do you think of bobby lying to Shane.

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