Part 37

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The day went by slowly and I expected it to be awkward with Ryan, I had forgiven him for what he had said but we weren't back together, we both knew we need some time. I still had feelings for him and I knew they weren't going to go away anytime soon.

I sat on the sofa with my legs crosses and my hair flopped over one sholder, the stereo was on and All Time Low was being played on kerrang. I hummed along to it whilst fiddlig with my bracelets.

I stared at my left hand, "if we hadn't of had the arguement there would be a ring place apon my finger right now, my hand wouldn't be bare." I thought to myself, but I quickly snapped out of it as Andy entered the room and sat down on the sofa opposite me, Jason followed him and sat down next to me and changed the music and put in his own CD. "Bruno mars is way better!" he joked and switched it the Runaway Baby. Andy got up and grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet and started franticly dancing around the room with me. Then Ryan entered the room and stared at us whilst laughing his head off, Andy released me and grabbed Ryan and they both waltzd around the room like they were drunk.

Finally the plonked themselves onto the sofa, "so what we doing today." Ryan asked, he glanced at me but I diverted my eyes to Jason who replied to Ryan. "well I'm going shopping with Andy." "yeah," Andy interupted, "I need to get a fit new outfit for our reunion." I laughed at him as he struck a pose. "oh and George got in touch with us, he's gonna be coming round tonight for acouple of drinks then were going out!" I shot my head towards Jason, "George? As in Webster? " "yeah, he's going to the reunion aswell, and he just got back off holliday so I thought we'd all go out for a few drinks, fancy it?" I couldn't help but smile, "yeah deffinetly!" "great well that's settled!" Andy said rubbing his hands together.

George, I hadn't seen George in years. He used to always hang out with us at school but and would always have atleast 2 girls on his arms at Jasons parties. I have to admit I did used to have a crush on him but we were just friends. And nothing ever happened, apart from that one time at Jasons party when we were both plastered and ended up together in Jasons guest bedroom. I was a virgin up until that night.

I stopped daydreaming when Andy and Jason left the room, they had both gone to get ready for their shopping trip. Ryan looked up at me from across the room, he smiled slightly and got up. "I best got get changed." he said standing infront of me topless. I tried not to smile at the sight of his abs so I just nodded at him.

I decided I would make my way upstairs to my room to practice for the reunion. I can't believe the boys were making me play the piano before they did their thing! I hadn't even touched a piano since I left school and the keyboard in the recording stupid had been left untouhed since I got here but I decided I needed all the practice I could get. I didn't even know what I was going to play.

I search through some old sheet music and found a famillar song which I used to play all the time, "love song" by Sara ballaries. It always seemed to make me happy so I started to play, I got to the chorus and I started to belt out the lyrics just as Ryan walked in. "wow Ems it's been years since I heard that." he smiled leaning in the doorway wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue The Doors top. "Oh god Ryan how long have you been standing there?" I asked turning around to face him. "long enough to say you should play that at the reunion! Your voice is amazing Ems! Share it!"

I started to blush, I got up and walked past him and walked towards my bed. He followed behind me. "Ems I mean it! You're amazing and so tallented! I know nobodys perfect but you come close!" I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help myself all my emotions in my body were taking over and I leaned in and kissed him. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. The kiss became heated as he pulled me on to the bed. I laid ontop of him and he slid his hand up my top and I removed his. I had no idea what was happening and how it happened but I didn't want it to stop!

You and Me still hurts- book 1 - Lawson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now