Part 25

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Andy went back to his room to get ready; he was going out with Gina today to get her dress for tonight's party. The Wanted had invited us all to a party because Lawson were supporting them in their upcoming tour. Chelsea had already helped me get my dress so I didn't need to worry. Jason came up behind me and hugged me and said he was sorry, I was a sucker for Jason's hugs, and he was always so warm and comforting. Ryan hung back until Jason left the room to get a shower.

'So you feeling better?' he asked, I looked up to him, 'yeah!' I said wrapping my arms around his waist. I stepped onto my tiptoes and kiss him. He grabbed me round the waist and picked me up so I looped my legs around him. We ended up on the bed pressed up against each other. Ryan was never that cranky in the morning, he was hornier instead! 'Oh I've got something for you' I said pulling away from him. 'Oh have you now?' he winked at me. I looked at the cheeky smile plastered across his face, 'not that type of something!' I said whilst rummaging around in my bag. I chucked him The Wombats CD I bought yesterday in town with Chelsea. 'OH MY GOD DUCKY I LOVE YOU!' I laughed at him, 'I hope you do seeing as you're my boyfriend!' he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him and ran his finger through my hair kissing me softly. 'Wow I should buy you CDs more often!' I said talking a breath. 'Hey you buy me CDs ill buy you converses!' he said kissing me again. 'Rhys if you buy me converses your gonna get a bit more than a kiss.' He gave me an immature look and rolled over on top of me. He kissed me and pushed himself up against me, I knew what he was getting at, and I could feel something digging into me.

The boys went by the hat rule; if there was a hat on the door then you don't go in and disturb them. Ryan got up off me and grabbed my USA baseball hat and placed it on the door handle and closed the door. Unlike everybody else it took me 5 minutes to get ready so I could spend the day doing nothing if I wanted, but Ryan had something else on his mind!

You and Me still hurts- book 1 - Lawson FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora