Part 34

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Emily's point of view:

I felt all flustered laying in bed wth the covers pulled up to my neck, I stretched out my arms and sat up rearanging my hair in the process. I hated bed hair! I stared at Joel sleepig peacfully next to me fully clothed along with myself. Last night we had laid on his bed watching The Lion King and eatig Oreos, he had protested I didn't sleep on the sofa but I didn't want him to have a bad nights sleep so I purposedly madesure I feel asleep with his arms around me so he couldn't move. Joels body was warm and comforting bbit didn't compare to Ryans. I removed my gaze from his pale face and got out of bed making my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone, I looked at the screen, I had 2 missed calls from Gina and a text message reading : Hey got some amazig news!!! Starbucks? 10am?  

I looked t the clock it was 9:28, I had time to get ready and make myself look presentable enough to go in town. I texted her back saying are and ran upstairs to grab my things from Joels room. I got washed and dressd quickly and left a note on the kitchen table letting them know where I was no doubt that I would get a text off Joel asking if I was okay along with the millions of messages Ryan had been sending asking for me to come home, for us to talk and if I was okay. I didn't bother to reply to any of them. For now I didn't wantto talk to him, I knew I'd see him when I went back later today but that didn't bother me, I could look at him I just can't be with him. Not if he doesn't trust me!

The bus journey seemed shorter than usual. I got off at my usual stop and walked to starbucks, I was slightly early but it didn't matter. I had roughy along my laptop as starbucks had free WIFI so I could check my emails and sort out my work. It felt like ages since I had done any real work! The magazine I worked for had given me a promotion so now I handled all the photography and reviews of concerts. It was an amazing job, they paid for everything I needed. They're paying for my VIP tickets to see All Time Low live next month, it was going to be the 5th time I saw them in concert, the 3rd time I met them and the 1st piece of work I use in the magazine!

It wasn't before long utility Gina arrived, she greeted me with a massive hug and a grin across her face. "sooooo what's the big news?" I asked childishly but she ignored me, "how are doing? I heard about you and Ryan!" I knew she would give up until I spoke about it! "I'm okay, I'm coping! I've never seen him so angry before! He's always trusted me but nustrhis one time he snaps at me and he doesn't believe me! I've known him for years, I should beable to just foret about it and I try but it still sticks in my head!" she took a sip of her coffee and nodded at me, then I noticed a shine on her hand. she put her cup down and I grabbed her hand gasping at her and smiling. "is this what I think it is?" she looked up at me and went histerical with a giggle whilst nodding and smiling franticly! "oh Gina babe congradulations!" "thanks!" she smiled clutching her hand to her chest. "so how'd it happen?"

Gina went into a long speech about how he took her out for a meal and afterwards they went for a walk along the beach where he then got down on one knee and told her how much she meant to him and although she could do soo mch better the fact that he could spend the rest of his life with the one girl he loved would meanthe world to him! She obviously said yes otherwise why would she have the engagement ring? It was sweet that after all three years they were getting married! "yeah well Andy said he had been thinking about it for awhile now and when he found out Ryan was goig to propose to you but then all this happened it made him realise how easily he could lose me!" she carried on without stopping or thinking. "WOAH Gina back up a second! What do you mean Ryan was going to propose to me?" I was in shock, so much I couldn't feel my heart beating anymore. I'd messed this all up for the both of us!

You and Me still hurts- book 1 - Lawson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now