Part 14

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Joel smiled at me and then turned to look at the boys, I could tell that he was anoyed but he tried not to show it! Everybody jumped onto the bed, good thing it was a double bed or I would have ended up on the floor! Ryan glanced over to me but still didn't say anything. I knew he had feelings of some sort for me and that he must have been upset to see me and Joel laid across the bed like that but he was just being childish now! He was meant to be my best friend but at the moment I didn't have a clue what he was!

I grabbed to pizza box from the middle of the bed to find only one slice left, "this will have to do until breakfast." I sighed. But then I quickly remember something. I got up off the bed and went to my bag, digging into the side pocket. "What you poking for?"Adam asked, but I just ignored him. "I knew I packed some!" I said lifting 3 bags of skittles out of my bag.

I chucked them into the middle of them bed before climbing back on and leaning against Joels chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight. I looked over at Ryan who made his way for the door. "Where you going rhino?" Andy asked, he didn't bother turning round, he just replied with "going bed!"

I didn't like seeing Ryan like this but it was late and I was tired so I started to close my eyes and listen to Joels steady heartbeat. "looks like someone else is tired!" Adam laughed, "yeah we better go! See you in the morning." Andy called as they walked out the door.

I opened my eyes and looked at Joel, he smiled and ran his fingers through my hair. "you've had a long day babe, get some sleep." he said calmly whilst stroking my face softly with the tip of his fingers.

You and Me still hurts- book 1 - Lawson FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora