Part 31

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I stood dead still in the doorway as we both just stared at eachother, tears were starting to run slowly down my cheeks and my heart sank when I remember me and Ryan were fighting because of Joel. He stared at me before removing my guitar from his lap and breaKing the silence, "sorry I was gonna use the studio to mess around and maybe lay some tracks down. Your usually fine with it." he got up from the bed and put my guitar on it's stand, "do you want me to go?" he asked still staring at me, by this time the tears had been taken out of my control and just streamed didn't my face, I still didn't say anything but Joel didn't hesistate. He moved so quickly towards ne to comfort me. His arms wrapped around ne as he pulled me into him and my head nested into his chest perfectly. I was getting his too soaked but he didn't care. "sssssshhhh! Ems don't cry! Please!" he whispered to me as he stroaked my hair and hugged me tighter.

I sat down on my bed with my legs crossed and rested my face in my hands, I'd stopped crying but I felt so broken inside. Joel left to go downstairs and get me a drink. I could hear Andy and Ryan yelling at eachother, my name didn't need to be mentioned for me to know they were talking about me. Footstpes made their way up the stairs and across the hall before they stopped outside my closed door. It was Ryan, I could tell because he was so light footed. There was a knock bubi didnt answer, he opened the door slowly and peered in, "Ems can we talk?" he asked in a soft calm voice but I didn't bother looking up from my hands. I could sence he had steped into the room. I quickly glanced up at him, he was still stood by the doorway. I quickly put my head in my arms and sat against the back of my bed by the wall with my legs curled up. He moved closer and sat on the end of the bed. "Im sorry for what I said! I should of never doubted you. I don't know what came over me!" I could hear the sob in his voice, I could never stand hearig Ryan upset so the tears came flooding back. I looked up slightly, I could just see him through my finge. He smiled at the fact I was now looking at him, he moved closer and removed the hair from infront of my face and whiped the tears from my cheeks. "now theres my beautiful girl!" he smiled but I tried not to smile back, me and Ryan had had fights and arguements before but he'd never doubted his trust in me before and I tore me apart! He moved he hand towards mine and squeezed it tight whilst careesing my face! He kissed me softly as an act for me to forgive him and I kissed him back. He grabbed me by my waist and craddled me into his chest but it wasn't comfy! I wriggles away and got up off the bed, "what's wrong?" he asked following me around the room. "it's.... This.... This isn't you! This isn't us! Not anymore!" I said holding back my tears, I gave him a sorry look before opening the door and making my way slowly and quietly down the stairs and out of the front door. I didn't know what to do anymore just I didn't want to be here!

Ryans Point Of View-

I slumped back onto her bed, what has just happened? I know what I said wasn't right and I was truly annoyed with myself for acting that way towards her! I just don't know what came over me. I got up and walked across the hall way to my room and shut the door so I could be alone and think. But I wasn't alone, Emily's converses were by my bed and the tops she would always knick off me were folded up on my chair. I was constantly reminded of her, my best friend, my girl! But now she wasn't my girl. I stared at the box on my bedside table, this weekend was going to be the weekend I finally did it! After years of wish I could finally bring myself to say those 4 words.

I picked up the box and played with it in my hands before setting it back down next to me abd grabbing my phone. I had a text of Chelsea,

Sender Chelsea:  

What happened? Emily has just come running to mine crying her eyes out!

I didn't bother to reply, I knew Ems would tell Chelsea what had happened plus I was too ashammed if myself to repeat what I had done!  

I was tempted to call her but I thought it would onky make matters worse and I doubt she would pick up. I chucked my phone onto my chair and grabbed the box again, this time opening it and playing with the ring. Ems Fletcher, it sounded almost perfect to me, but nothing is ever as perfect as it seems.

You and Me still hurts- book 1 - Lawson FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora