"Listen," Mia shakes of Ted's hand and looks at me with sorrowful eyes. Although her posture is confident her expression looks like she could break any minute, "After your discharge from the hospital, my mother and I've had continuous visions involving you and Kris. And in each of them...one of you died."

"Great! So we're destined to die?" I ask in annoyance.

"You see the thing is, it was one of you. You would always appear together at the start of them, but by the end of each one........either you or Kris ended up dead." She explains and I look at her with a confused expression, "IN THE VISIONS YOU DIED, BECAUSE..." She rephrases her words for me to understand, "....BECAUSE YOU WERE TOGETHER..." Her voice shakes and I clasp my head, breathing heavily.

"I don't understand! .....didn't you say that we had to be close? That we had to be together! Why are you saying something else now?" I yell in rage, this is bullshit! I could comprehend the whole 'there are gifted people' and them seeing future, but this! I just don't get it.

"Some things are beyond our understanding. We just have to believe in them. Try to understand David."

Believe? Believe what exactly? "NO! Why? Why is this happening to us? Why can't  we be just like everyone else-"

"You think you're the only one with whom this is happening?" She interrupts, "Millions of people are going through the same or even worse fates......they just have no one to warn them." She looks at me with red eyes and clenched fists, as if fighting through something and then it hits me!

So......all the accidental issues in the world aren't exactly accidents. There's a reason behind everything. But if there's a reason..............then there's a way out, and.....I am privileged with that 'way out' because of Mia. Why have I been getting angry with her all the time? It's not like she plans my fate, she just tells me what she sees.

I'm sorry Mia, I apologize to her with my eyes.
"It'll be okay David." She envelopes me in a hug, "Life can be a b*tch.-"
"I just gotta fight through it." I complete her sentence and smile. I think I understand now. This is better than death.

"So where's your mother?" I ask Ted on our way to the reception. "She said she has some business here, so we'll be leaving without her."
He replies and turns to the receptionist asking something.

What about my luggage? It's still in Kris's room. I don't care if he doesn't want to see me, I should get my stuff back.

"He already checked-out, early morning." Ted tells me looking kindly into my face.


"That's alright," I smile, "I'll just get it next time. Come on! We've got a plane to catch." I push him and take off running, gaining a head start, "Last one there's a grandpa's rotten fart!"

Jae's (POV)

This woman should be around here. I've seen her yesterday, where did she go?

"It's not easy." A loud rough voice breaks through behind me, "Your friend's path is hard." The woman with different colored eyes, whom I've been looking for speaks. "You already know that." She comes closer to me, "Don't you? Hahahaha!" She strangely laughs. "But you don't know everything."

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now