Julian's First Christmas!

Start from the beginning

After dinner we stay up until one watching Christmas movies. Maddie went to bed around 11 and I had her put a sleeping Julian to bed. Wyatt came a little later to eat and has been here ever since. We on the end of the sofa and I'm about to fall asleep laying on him.

Once the last movie is over my parents go to the one guest room, my mamaw goes to that room too and is sleeping on an inflatable mattress for the night. I offered her my bed but she said she didn't mind. Amber and her kids go to our second guest room, and Dallas goes to the other guest room where Maddie is, leaving just Wyatt, Wilmer and I. They help me clean up. I offer for Wyatt to spend the night but he says he has to go to his families early in the morning and should just go home. I walk him to the door.

"Thank you for being on your best behavior tonight." I say leaning against the door.

"Anything for you."

I give him a kiss and he leaves. I close the door and walk into the kitchen where Wilmer is doing dishes.

"You can go to bed. I got these."

"It's no bother." He says.

"When do you leave for Canada?" I ask trying to make conversation as we finish the pile of dishes.

"I don't..."


"They killed me off the show."


"Because I asked them too."

"Okay... Why?" I ask still confused.

He doesn't say anything.

"Wilmer you loved working on that show... Why would you just give it up?"

"I didn't just give it up... I got a new job on June 29 and it was very difficult to do both so I chose one..."

"You can do you both... We made it work."

"Not really..." He says looking at me knowing I'm wrong.

"And now that your getting back into music, we can't both be working away from home."

"You didn't quit because of me did you?"

"No. I didn't quit because of you, I quit for you. I had my time working while you were home with JJ... How its your turn to do what you love. And I'm still gonna work. Im filming the pilot for a new show after the holidays... It films here in LA so I can work and still make it home to get JJ his bath and put him to bed." He says all cocky thinking he's dad of the year.

"It's still not right that you had to quit."

"Don't worry about it... I wouldn't of done if I didn't think it was a good idea." I nod and drop it.

Once the dishes are done, we put all of the gifts under the tree. I decorated the tree in an empty room that was sort of used as a luxury relax room. There's leather recliners and a TV in their as well as a stereo and a few other things but I moved all of that out to be able to hold everybody and every gift. Between all of us there's over a hundred and fifty wrapped boxes of stuff, at least twenty five bags and a row of stockings tacked to the wall. It is my sisters gifts to everyone, my parents gifts to everyone, Wilmers gifts to everyone and then Julian's "Santa" presents and all the present I bought so yeah, we have a big Christmas... If were gonna do it we mine as well go all out right?


"Merry Christmas!" Maddie yells running into my room Christmas morning. It's 7... We didn't even go to bed till around 3. I'm exhausted but whats Christmas without bags under my eyes. I get up and tell everyone to get dressed and meet in the present room in a half an hour. I get dressed and then go wake Julian. I get him dressed in a tiny pair of Khakis, a black and white checkered shirt and a sweater vest to go on top of it. I brush the hair on his head and put on socks and dress shoes before taking him downstairs.

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