Chapter 25

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So yeah, I'm only planning to have a few more chapters before I finish this story. I want to finish this one so I can focus on "I'm saying I do...but not for Love" only. If you haven't read that one yet, give it a shot. It's taking more time than INTE, because I want it to have longer chapters and hopefully better grammar! :P Anyways. Thanks for reading! Here's Chapter 25! Enjoy! :D ....btw, if you read this, can I get a "whoo-hoo"? :) I'm curious as to how many people read the A/N! :P

Savannah's POV

Three months had passed since that day that Mark had left after seeing Clay with me. When I had returned to school, Clay hadn't returned, much to my relief. I hadn't heard much from him since that day. He had tried to call and text me a few times, but I blocked his number from my phone. Rumor was he and his family had moved, which I was glad about.

It was the end of March, and the weather was warm again. I hadn't heard anything from Mark sincethat day. Kaylen had tried to talk to him, but he shut her down every time. I had tried calling and texting him. I was ignored every time. Kaylen and I had stopped talking about him. Now if we talked about any guys, it was about her new boyfriend Caleb. (The girl had a think for guys with "C" names--she'd dated Corbin, Cuyler, and Casey, the guy who had gone on the double date with Mark and I.)

Even when we talked about Caleb though, she was careful not to talk about him too much. She knew I still missed Mark. But, over the past three months, I missed him a little less everyday.

I left school that Friday, thinking about how life had returned to normal. It was like it had been before Mark and I had started dating. I talked to Kaylen a lot, went to school, came home and did homework, went running, and chilled by myself. I still thought of Mark often, but I had learned to push any memories of him to the back corner of my brain. 

I took Kaylen's advice and handled the situation in the best way I could think of. I got over him.

I was putting gas in my car and the Chevron station when I heard a voice in front of me. "Hey there."

I looked up to see a pretty cute guy with blond hair and blue eyes standing in front of me. "Um, hey," I said. What does he want?

"Can I have a picture of you?" he said with a smile, revealing straight white teeth.

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"So I can show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas," he said, winking.

I burst out laughing. "That was so corny!" I said. "But I loved it! I'm Savannah."

"Harley Anderson," he said shaking my hand.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Harley," I said. The gas pump clicked. "So I guess I'll see you around?" I asked as I pulled my receipt out of the slot.

"Definitely," he said. "Hey, can I get your number? We should go out sometime."

I don't know if I'm ready for this. We're over Mark remember? Oh. Yeah. Maybe this is what I need to give me that final kick. Go for it, girl!

"Sure," I said. He handed me his phone and I stored my number. "Well, I better go."

"Alright," he said. "I'll text you." I smiled as he turned to go back to the car parked behind mine. 

"Oh my word, is that your's?!" I said, staring at the cherry red Mustang. "Cuz if it is, thenyou are my new best friend!"

"Well then we're best friends," he said, giving me a flirtatious grin.

"Awesome," I replied. "So yeah. Text me sometime."

"No worries. I will," he said. "Later, beautiful."

"Bye," I said. 


I hadn't even been home for an hour when my phone vibrated. I had forgotten to turn the ringer on when I left school. I put down the pencil I was using to do my geometry homework and unlocked the touch screen. A number I didn't recognize lit up the screen with a new text message. 

"hey beautiful. this is harley :)" I read aloud to myself. 

"hey :)" I texted quickly. "what's up?" "nm," I got back almost immeadiately.

"i was thinking....."

"Uh-oh," I teased, adding a winking smiley face for good measure.

"haha. seriously. wanna catch a movie tonight? meet me there at seven?" my cute new pursuer said.

"sure:) cya then!" I said, ending our brief conversation. I fell back onto my pillows and sighed. This was my first interaction with any guy since The Mark Situation, as I referred to it.

I don't know. How is this gonna go? You are gonna be fine. Don't be trippin'.

Another hour passed and I decided to get ready for my date. I had showered that morning, and worn my hair curly. Though it was naturally curly, it had gotten somewhat flat. I plugged in my curling iron to touch up my brown locks. It only took a few minutes to do, so I decided to re-do my makeup.

I scrubbed off the makeup I had worn throughout the day and started from scratch. I carefully applied foudation, being sure to spread it evenly. After that, I did powder, blush, and eye makeup. After swiping on a layer of lipgloss, I walked to my closet.

I couldn't decide what to wear. After a few minutes of flipping through the racks, I decided on a cute, casual outfit. I slipped into a pair of dark skinny jeans, a red knit shirt, and red flats. I added some red jewelry and was ready to go.

I grabbed my purse and car keys and decided to hit the road.

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