Chapter Thirty Five-

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I know what you are thinking, I am a complete dork because of the last chapter and a part of me completely agrees, but hopefully this chapter will clear up the confusion.

FYI I published a new story, it's a crazy idea that I had bouncing around in my head for weeks, but don't worry this story will definitely be my top priority. With that said I would really appreciate it if you wanted to check it out!
Nikki's p.o.v.-

"Because la amo." I heard Theo say through the door.

The swimming suit I was holding fell to the ground insteinstead of picking it up I walked over and sat at the end of our large bed.

Even with the small amount of Italian I know I was able to understand him saying "I love her".

It's crazy how just three words can change everything.

I stayed sitting at the end of the bed, I heard the water in the bathroom start and a little while later stop. I even stayed sitting there until the door opened, suddenly it was as if someone had taken control over my body.

Subconsciously I ran straight to were Theo was standing, I reached out to grab the back of his neck and bring his lips to mine.

This kiss was nothing like the others, the ones for other's benefits were always small pecks and the one in Theo's grandparents guest house was pure lust. This kiss was full of passion and love even without either of us having to say anything.

I started pulling at my own clothes as fast as I could to try and get us closer, to no longer know where one of us began and the other ended.

He picked me up and threw me onto the bed before crawling up to me.


I woke up in our large bed with the sheets rumpled around and the pillows thrown everywhere.

I saw that the towel Theo had been wearing was picked up off the floor, my clothes had been picked up and had been folded and stacked on the beach at the end of our bed.

I got up while holding the sheet tight around me. I quickly realized that Theo had left me so I hurried and got dressed before running down the stairs. "Theo?" I shouted. He wasn't in the main areas of the house or outside when I looked. I was down stairs looking for him when I heard him.

"Stupid!" He shouted and then I heard a loud noise. I walked hesitantly down the hall afraid that he was dealing with the mob.

"Why didn't you push her away! Now she knows!" He shouted again before I heard the loud noises again. The further down the hallway I walked the louder his shouting became. I heard him say hundreds of insults and asking questions to himself.

I slowly looked around the corner and saw his shirtless back as he swung for the punching bag again and again. "Theo." I called out hesitantly and saw him stiffing like someone was threatening him with a knife, but then again with our relationship that wouldn't be a surprise.

Theo turned around to look at me and pulled his earbuds out of his ears. "Yes, Nicole?"

I had no idea someone calling me by my full name could piss me off so badly until now. I stomped my foot loudly against the ground breaking the silence. "You are not allowed to do that to me!" I shouted at him. "You can't treat me like a stranger after what just happened." I said to him.

"What just happened is nothing importantly. We were just being physical, no emotion. That's how our marriage works!" He shouted back at me. "We both use each other, always have and always will."

"I have never used you!" I tried to reason with him.

"You use me everyday! You use me for protection just like your dad wanted and because it was some man's dying wish than I have to do it. Just like how it was his dying wish for us to marry and here we are."

How is it possible to love and hate someone so much at the same time?

"Then why are you here?" I asked, I wasn't asking why he was here on the island, I was asking why we were married and why he never said no to our families.

He ran a hand through his sweaty hair. "I suck it up and didn't complain because I knew that it was what everyone wanted, but it wasn't what I wanted." He made sure to draw out words to make his point show.

I had never watched anyone fall apart until now, but as I watched each word leave his mouth I saw the pain as he never took his eyes off mine.

"What did you want?" I asked softly.

"I wanted to be a contractor and one day build a house for my family out by the beach, instead I became the head of a mob to someone who I might have spent my entire life around, but I still don't know you." He said.

"So get to know me." I said and he just gave me a confused look. "Ask questions, not go exercise every time we get close enough to have a conversation. If we tell each other things than we can maybe build something on this to were our relationship is no longer built on hidding the fact that we secretly hate each other."

"Only people it was a secret to was our parents." He said softly. "I hated knowing that you didn't know how I-"

He was cut off by his phone ringing. Theo quickly pulled it out and answered. "Hello?" He said than paused. "Speaking."

"Who is it?" I asked and he raised the "just-a-minute" finger in my direction.

"Of course." Theo paused again. "I'm on my honeymoon and won't be back in town for the rest of the month."

A month! Holy cow, I had no idea we were staying that long out here.

"Who is it!" I asked again half to piss him off and half because I actually wanted to know.

"My father is on charge until I get home and I except you to take this to him." Theo growled into the phone. "No you're so right, me wanting to spend my honeymoon with my wife is selfish. Why would I ever think that is acceptable, oh yeah because it is!"

He threw his phone down on the boxing mat in the middle of the room. "How about we discuss this friend thing after a trip to bed." Theo asked with a wink and I was defenceless to his charm.
Hey my faithful readers! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you don't mind the slight sex part. I figured as a married couple it was acceptable, still made me a little scared to write it. This chapter ended at 1209 words! As always thank you for reading and for supporting my book.

(P.s. the fist chapter of this book has reached 1000 veiws so thank you again for that!)

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