Chapter Seventeen-

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So I started this story in December of 2014 and it had two votes (from my best friends), it is now may of 2015 and my story now has 6.24k views and 334 likes! Thank you all for your support to my story!
(P.S.- if you want a chapter with your favorite character, than please write that character's name in the comment section below, this one Kayla, Amelia, and Lane will be apart of.)
Nikki's P.O.V.-

I was laying on my bed when Kayla ran in and sat down beside me. "What the heck happened yesterday?"

I sit up to look at her. "What are you talking about?"

She gives me a shocked look. "I saw you and Theo out at the pool!

I give her a confused look so she continues. " I also came up here to borrow that blue shirt that you just got when I saw the two of you all snuggled up in your bed." She gave me a smug look. "Explain that."

I shrug. "I can't, it was like yesterday we were a real couple. No lies, no faking, just us."

She pulled me into a hug. "Questo è sorprendente notizia!" My face must have shown my confusion because she quickly translated. "That is amazing new!"

I nodded to show that I understood when Amelia came running in. "Nikki! There you are! I need your help."

"What's wrong?" I asked as Kayla and I made more room on my bed for her to sit down.

"I got into a fight with Jenny, now she's not talking to me! I don't know what to do!"

I shake my head. "I am not the one to ask, my friends were always the bodyguards kids."

They both look at me like I am the saddest thing they ever saw.

"Your only friends were bodyguards kids?" Kayla asked with a shocked look. "You are so lucky you came to Italy!"

Amelia nodded her head. "Yeah, because now you have friends."

"And you finally have a boyfriend." Kayla said with a wink in my direction. "Finally you will get a chance to try out those new clothes we got you."

I smack her arm as she laughs at the blush that came over my face. "We are never mentioning that ever again."

"Mentioning what?" Theo asked as he glanced through the door at us.

Kayla opened her mouth like she was planning on telling so I placed my hand over her mouth and quickly said, "Nothing!"

He looked at us like we had grown two heads. "Nikki, I wanted to show you something. You guys can come too, Lane will show you."

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