Chapter Twenty Five-

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Chapter 25!!! Thank you to everyone for reading my story and getting it to 10.3k views! Nothing was better than seeing that on my phone! I swear that I started this chapter immediately after I finished the last one, but sadly my internet hates me and it took forever to publish it. If you have any questions about me or my story fill free to pm me.

Picture above or to the side is their wedding Cake.

      "Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Theo Chavez!" The DJ shouted out as we walked in hand in hand.

       I could hear the people clapping and cheering for us, but all I could see was Theo. I watched as he pulled out my chair, pushed it in when I was seated, I watched as he played his arm across the back on my chair and all I could feel was my heart pounding in my chest.

      I watched both mine and Theo's family member's dancing to the music with huge smiles on their faces. I saw my two little flower girls, Sarah and Roxanne dancing with the Ring bearer. They are all Theo's cousins, some from his mom's side and some from his dad. I had never seen bigger smiles than when Theo and I asked them to be in our wedding.

      "Ladies and gentlemen please clear the dance floor and allow the bride and groom to have their first dance."

       Theo stood up and offered me his hand. "May I have this dance?"

       "Of course." I place my hand in his and he helps me stand up. He leads me to the dance floor and we start to slow dance to a sweet Italian song. "What is the song saying?"

       "The singer is expressing his love for the woman he's with." Theo explained softly before he pulled me closer and started humming the toon in my ear.

         We just stayed like that, rocking back and forth as if we had all the time in the world until our guests started clapping to signal the song was over.

           We pulled away and the crowd started chanting for us to kiss so Theo placed a hand on my hip and pulled me closer. He put his hands on the sides of my face then leaned in to kiss me.

           I had never felt such passion in a kiss except for the night of our engagement party, but this passion was different. It wasn't the "I need you now" kind, but instead it was the "I care for you, more that you know."

            My mind was spinning and I could barley breath when he pulled away. I opened my mouth to tell him exactly how I felt, but was interrupted by the d.j. saying, "Can we have the bridal party please join the bride and groom on the dance floor."

             Our bridal parties all started dancing around us, we were all dancing to another slow song and because it was in Italian Theo was translating in my ear.

Theo's P.O.V.-

           I watched as my grandmother climbed the stairs to the stage to give us a speech. I could see how strong she is, not in body, but in might. She raised three stubborn children all while grandpa was away with the mob. I looked over at Nikki and could see the respect shining through her eyes.

         "Hello ladies and gentlemen, my family was definitly blessed today with the joining of Nikki into our family. I can't think of anyone better for my grandson then Nikki, she is truly amazing. I cannot wait to see the amazing things these two will accomplish throughout their lives." She paused and blew Theo and I a kiss. "Will everyone please raise your glass with me for a toast to the happy couple, I hope the two of you know how truly lucky you are to have already found the love of your life. Salute!"

          I heard everyone raise their glass and shout, "Salute.", but my only focus was on Nikki. Her hair was in a loose French braid with small white flowers mixed in.  I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You look beautiful."

         Her cheeks got pink. "Thank you."

          For the rest of the night we danced, kissed, drank champagne, and said thank you to everyone that told us how beautiful the wedding was. It was nearing midnight when we were finally able to tell everyone our goodbyes and were on our way out the door.

       The next stop was our honeymoon and I don't think I've ever been this nervous about anything before. We will be alone in my grandparents summer home in the carribean, only us and the towns people who will be miles and miles away.

        Yay for us...
Hey guys! So don't hate me for the long wait, I swear it wasn't intentional. My high school just had it's first football game and so I was up late because as a cheerleader I had to be there, sadly our team lost, but you win some and you lose some.
Love you all,

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