Chapter Thirty Two-

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Hey guys! 12.1k!!!!! 12.1k Is our number! Can we just celebrate! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my story even though it sucks! I can't believe that we made it to 12.1k that is so amazing!!!!! Thank you, thank you... thank you!

Nikki's p.o.v.-

I had just sat down with some breakfast when I heard the sound of a stampede coming quickly down the stairs.


I quickly looked up just in time to see Theo running down the stairs before he fell at the bottom in a crumpled mess. Even though it wasn't right I started laughing, not at him, but more at the situation.

Once I was able to breath and function again I jumped up and ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

His face was bright red. "I'm fine." Theo snarled before jumping up and storming out the front door.

I could tell that wasn't what Theo had wanted to happen, that part was obvious. The question was, what was it that he wanted me to know.

For the rest of the day Theo only stayed around the house for a small amount of time. It seemed as if ever time I looked up he was darting in and out of the house, never saying a word. At first I had tried to speak with him by asking if he was okay, but that seemed to just make his bad mood worse.

It was obvious that he was angry with me, but for what I didn't know, but I am determined to find out.

Throughout the rest of the day every time Theo would walk past me I would say something, anything just get him to react to me. Each time I got slightly the same reaction, either a stiff nod or deep scowl. Once when he caught me dancing in the kitchen while making dinner, but all I got in response was a small smirk.

Later that night just as the sun was beginning to go down I took a bottle of wine and a glass out to the front porch. I sat down in the large porch swing and kicked my shoes off.

I was about a third of the way through the bottle when Theo came strolling up the front walk. "What are you doing outside without me? You know that's not safe." Theo demanded.

I tossed back the last of what was in my glass before answering him. "Well you weren't exactly here now were you?" I asked in almost a sarcastic way, but I was to drunk to even tell anymore.

As I lifted the bottle to pour more into my cup Theo reached out and took the bottle from my hands. "How much of this have you drank? Was this full when you came out here?" Theo ran a hand through his hair as if he was frustrated. "Were you trying to get yourself killed? First you come out here alone then you get drunk! How were you planning on getting help if anyone came to take you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. The kidnapper would probably be nicer to me than you are." I reached for the wine, but he held it out of my grasp. "Give me back my wine."

"No! You aren't getting anymore wine! This wine was supposed to be for our wedding night! Why would you open it without me!" Theo shouted. He paused for a minute as if going over my words in his head before continuing. "And why would you think a kidnapper would be nicer to you?" He asked it in a slightly hurt and confused tone.

I tried to stand up, but slightly fell over, Theo had to reach out and help me regain my footing. "Well normally a husband doesn't leave his wife alone on their honeymoon for an entire day for no reason at all!" I shouted at him, proud of my drunken self for only my voice only shaking once throughout my entire rant.

"I had a reason and anyway it's my choice of what I want to do during the day. Why would what I did today effect you?" Theo asked, he leaned against the swing coming closer each time he spoke.

"Because we are married now! We have to take each other into consideration, that's how marriage works!" I shouted loudly. "I think about you and you think about me. We need a marriage where we take each other into consideration, then later we do it with kids. We are supposed to think things through with each other in mind!"

Theo chuckled. "You just repeated yourself more than once. Maybe we should get you inside and we can argue once you are completely sober once again." He reached out to grab me, but I stepped away just barley missing his grasp.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted at him, moving my hands around to hit him if he came close again. "I don't want your help!"

"You might not want it, but you really do need it." Theo tried to reason with me. Then he swooped his arms under my legs and suddenly was holding me the bridal way.

"Oh so you do know how to hold someone like this, I thought you didn't know how." I said leaning my head on his neck.

I could almost see his mind taking a step back. "What are you talking about?"

"On the wedding night the husband carries his wife over the threshold of their knew house. You didn't do it so I figured you didn't know how." I explained.

"Of course I knew how."

"Then why didn't you?" I asked him and he froze.

"Because this isn't a real marriage. Why would I do a sacred tradition if our marriage isn't traditional?" He asked. For some reason I silently begged for it to be a rhetorical question, instead he kept looking at me for an answer.

"Because if you had wanted to then you would have done it. I know you, Theo." I said softly and hopped out of his arms making my way surprisingly softly to the ground. "Goodnight Theo."

And with that I walked into the house leaving him on the porch.
Hey guys! So what do you guys think of this chapter? I tried to leave it as a cliff hanger, but I suck at them so you have to deal with it. Tell me if you like their relationship so far.
(P.s. this chapter was 1090 words!)

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