Chapter Twenty Six-

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Hey guys! The last chapter So for the last few weeks I have had cheer practice until 8 at night and I already get up at 4:30 in the morning, so I was never able to update. I'm sorry, please don't hate me and just know that I will finish this story as soon as I can.

Above or to the side is Theo's private plane.
(If you have any questions about my stories or when I will update then feel free to pm me)
Nikki's P.O.V.-

I could feel my eyes lids getting heavier through out the night and when we were saying our goodbyes I was having a hard time keeping them open.

"Promise me that you will call we when you land so that I know your safe." Kayla demanded as she pulled me into a hug.

"Land? We're flying somewhere?" I asked in surprise, Theo has kept all information containing our honeymoon a secret from me. I wasn't even allowed to pack my bags, he asked Kayla to do it.

She slapped her forehead. "Dang it! I wasn't supposed to tell you, Theo can't know that you know anything! Is that clear?"

"Crystal." I said and mockingly raised my hand in the boy scouts way. "Now tell me, will I like where we are going?"

"Definitely! Theo has planned everything out for you. It's going to be super romantic and beautiful!" She let out a squeal of excitement. "You are so lucky!"

She's right, I am lucky.

I look up and see Theo saying his goodbyes to his parents. "I will call you when we get there, I'll miss you!" I say and pull her into one last hug.

"You say that like we will never see each other again, if you don't remember we are kinda related now, there's no getting rid of me." Kayla responded with a smirk. "Be safe and have fun."

I nodded as I walked over to my mom. She pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed my hair like she used to do when I was a kid. "I can't believe that you are actually married, it seems like just yesterday Joey told me his plan."

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