Chapter Twenty Eight-

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Hey guys so above is Their bedroom grandparents beach house. At this point in the story Nikki has no idea where they are or where they are staying so I can guarantee that she will be surprised when she see's this place.

This story went from pretty much nothing to 11.1k! That is amazing and you have no idea how thankful I am for all of my readers! Some were the first to ever read this story back when each chapter would only get 10 views, now the first chapter is getting up to 885 views!

Nikki's p.o.v.-

"I'm going to take my hand away to help you up the stairs, promise me you will keep your eyes closed until I ask you to open them." Theo demanded as he guided me down what I imagine is a hallway considering we have been walking in the same direction for a while. He wanted me to see our room as a surprise and I didn't want him to lose that child-like look in his eyes as he told me of this.

"I promise." I answered. Theo slowly brought his hand away from my eyes and brought both of his hands to my waist and began helping me up the stairs by tapping the side of the leg he wanted me to lift.

"I'm going to step away from you for a second." He said and in that moment he stepped away and said. "Okay, open your eyes."

Slowly I opened my eyes as if I was expecting something to jump out at me. All I could see for a minute was a bright light that was caused by the large window coverings the back wall. Out of the windows was simply ocean for as far as I could see, the waves would softly roll in and cover the shore before they got dragged back.

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