Chapter Twenty Seven-

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Hey guys! So two updates in a week, feel special! Please feel free to P.M. me if you have any questions about my story.
Shout out to Smarcookie for being the first to comment on my last chapter! And thank you so much for the 10.8k views! I had no idea my story was liked let alone that liked!!! So again thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You!!!
Theo's p.o.v.-

"Sir, it is now safe to unbuckle and move around the cabin. Electronic devices are also fine to be used." One of the guards said in a loud voice making Nikki stir in her sleep.

"Thank you for telling me." I responded trying to sound kind but also in a way that shows I am the boss. I'm sure that instead of that I just sounded pissed off.

I pulled out my computer and was getting work done as Nikki slept soundly beside me. I am glad she was finally able to rest, the evidence of how tired she was had been written across her face throughout the reception.

I had no idea that nightmares could effect someone so badly, but the evidence was in how she spoke to me this morning on the phone. She sounded almost broken, like she couldn't go on.

I still remember the screams that I heard escape her the first night she was in Italy. She was completely covered in a cold sweat, thrashing about in a manner that showed how badly she wish to get up. As soon as I had managed to wake her, Nikki clung to me as if I had saved her. Nothing had scared me more than that moment, I had never seen her look so scared and broken down.

A few nights later we were laying beside each other and she said the most frightening words to me, "People always say that once something is broken it can be put back together, but what happens when somethings been shattered?"

I had no idea what she ment until now, these dreams are ruining her, but now I can see it. I can see the damage that it has caused her, she can't sleep without picturing her father dying. That kind of torture could cause a person to kill themselves.

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