Chapter Fourteen-

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Hey guys! New chapter! Tell me what you think.
Nikki's P.O.V.-

"Mr. Chavez, lovely to see you and who is this beautiful girl?" The waiter at the restaurant asked once we had been seated.

Theo grabbed a hold of my hand. "This is my girlfriend Nicole Sorrento. She is Antonio Sorrento's daughter."

The man gives me the pity smile that everyone gives me. "I am so sorry for your loss." He says it like it will change the fact that my dad is dead. "He was truly a great man."

I nod even though I don't even remember him. "Thank you."

Before any other world can be said Theo reaches for my hand and winks at me. "Can we have a bottle of champagne? We have something that needs to be celebrated."

When the waiter leaves I give him a confused look before asking him. "What is there to celebrate?"

In response he gets up then gets on one knee in front of me. "I love you Nikki and I want to spend the rest of my life with you in every way that I can. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I nod my head because I can't force words out

"Sei tutto per me" Theo whispered to me as he slid the engagement ring onto my finger.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means, you are my everything." He whispered back softly before closing the gap between our lips.


We were driving on the way home when Theo got a call "Sì , stiamo per sposarsi in un mese." He answers after a minute.

With him talking so fast I can't translate what he is saying.

"Sì, so che ha bisogno di essere presto , è per questo che è in un mese ." He then shouts out a goodbye before pressing end call and throwing his phone onto the dashboard of the car.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't get mad at me as well.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Everything is okay."

"Can you translate everything you said?" I feel more than a little stupid for asking that, but I need to learn the language.

"Sì , stiamo per sposarsi in un mese. Means Yes, we are going to be married in a month. Sì, so che ha bisogno di essere presto , è per questo che è in un mese means Yes, I know that it needs to be soon, that is why it is in a month." He gives me a smirk. "You really need to work on your Italian."

I ignore his joke and point to myself. "I was born in America. You can't expect me to know your language!"

"I know yours!" Theo laughs. "You better learn quickly. I expect our children to be fluent in both languages."

The car goes silent after the last words leave his mouth, its frightening how close we are to that.

Being a mobster's wife ment that I had to have a child soon so that no matter what happens to Theo there would be someone to take over the mob. Nothing has ever scared me more. Marriage and a baby in a year and I am only 18.

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying that it was something that one day I want that. I'm not expecting you to be pregnant in a week or anything." He is pretty much digging his own grave.

I lay a hand on his arm. "Theo, I... I don't want things to be awkward between us. Things like marriage and children are just around the corner for us so we might as well talk about them."

"Maybe I don't want to talk about them." Theo said, he seemed angry. "I don't want to waste my time thinking about imaginary kids, actually for the rest of tonight I just want to act like a normal teenager."

"Pull over." I demanded.

"What? Why?" Even though he questioned it he still listened to me and pulled over.

I got out of the car and got into the back seat. "Come here." I said looking him straight in the eyes. "You want to be a normal teenager? Than let's be normal and slightly crazy."

Slowly he crawled into the backseat beside me. "Now what?"

"Now we are going to kiss, flirt, and be normal for once in our lives!" And we did exactly that. For once we were normal, and nothing had ever been better.
Hey guys! Sorry it took so long. I sprained my thumb so typing has been really hard.


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