Chapter Sixteen-

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Hey guys! New chapter!!! I know that I posted on Wednesday but I wanted to post on Sunday too because of all the views, votes, follows and comments. I love all of you, thank you for all the support!
Nikki's P.O.V.-

         I woke up in Theo's arms. I was practically on top of his chest with a leg thrown over his waist. I tried to get out of his death grip, but he had a hand on my back and the other on my leg. There was truly no way for me to get out without waking him up, which is very unfortunate considering I was in dyer need of a breath mint.

       I wiggled and squirmed until he started to wake. "What did I tell you about waking me up?"

          I thought back to the first time he slept in my bed. "You seemed to think that it is very rude."

         "Yes, so if you would please let me sleep I will have a conversation with you as soon as I have gotten my rest." With that he shut his brown eyes.

         I started kissing his neck up to his jaw, then would work my way down. "Theo. Would you please let me out of bed." I said in a sugary sweet voice.

          "And why should I do that? How am I to know that you will come back?"

          I thought about it for a minute. "Will a kiss tell you how serious I am about coming back?"

        "Possibly." He said with a teasing look.

         With him distracted he had loosened up his grip enough for me to escape. As soon  as I was at the bathroom door I turned around and said, "Thank goodness, it would have killed me if I had to kiss you." And with that I walked inside the bathroom, slammed the door and was quick to lock it.

Theo's P.O.V.-

         In just a few short weeks this will be us every morning.

        I get up and walk into my bedroom to get ready. I just need to be with Nikki today, I just need to know that she is safe.

         "Hey Nikki. How would you feel about hanging out at the pool today? We could even get some of that wedding planning stuff out of the way." I shouted in the direction of the bathroom door.

        "Sure, sounds good." She yelled back.

         I got ready into my bathing suit and knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey, I'm going down. I will grab towels and meet you down there."

       I grabbed some towels and set them on the table before diving into the pool. As I started to swim laps I got to thinking. What am I going to do when the treat is gone? What will she do when all of a sudden I am no longer the fiancée that always looks so in love? What will happen when she finds out about the threats?

          I was floating on my back when Nikki came out to find me. "Hey you." I shouted out to startle her.

       She slightly jumped, "What was that for?"

        "I wanted to see if you were the type to easily scare." I grinned up at her. "Didn't you say that now that we are getting married we should know stuff about each other."

        "Yeah, but not scare tests. I almost dropped my computer." She glared at me, but eventually smiled.

       "I'm sorry." I said and swam over to the ledge where she was sitting. "Can you forgive me?"

       She thought about it for a second. "Maybe, you just have to prove you want my forgiveness."

       I pulled myself up on the ledge beside me. "If I can promise you that no matter what happens tonight, I will protect you."

       "What would happen to me?" She asked scared.

         I take a deep breath before answering. "There were some threats made against you today. That's why I am here and not at work. I am here to keep you safe."

       "Threats as in someone wants to hurt me?" She asked bewildered.

         I nod. "Yes, but I won't let it happen. Trust me when I say that I will do everything in my power to insure that you stay safe."

      She nodded. "Okay, can we talk about something that won't make me afraid for my life?"

       I laughed. "Of course."

        "So for the wedding, I think we should do white, black and teal. How does that sound?" She asked.

       "I like it. It will make the wedding seem brighter." I say trying to be convincing that I actually care about the colors.

       "I'm sorry, I know that this stuff probably doesn't seem all that important to you." She said.

      I nod. "This stuff just doesn't matter to me. I am a guy, the wedding colors, who the wedding planner is, or where it's at doesn't matter to me. I just need to know where to be and what to wear."

       She smirks. "Okay. So if I made you wear a pink suit you would be okay with it as long as you don't have to do the planning?"

       "Honestly yes, but we both know that my mom would die before she would let our wedding look bad." I pointed to the water. "Are you okay if I get back to swimming?"

      "Yes, I will just ask you things when needed."

      With that I slipped back into the water as she worked.
Hey guys! I missed you all this week! I am so thankful for the votes, comments, and the views!!! My story went from 100 likes to 300 last weekend. I am going to start dedicating my chapters to my voters and followers, if you want to be one of them then tell me in the comments section!
   Katrena Faddis

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