Chapter Thirty One-

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story and for the votes, comments and views. You are amazing!!! 11.7k views, can I just say how amazing that is? Because of your support that has happened! Thank you so much!!!

I know Theo's grandparents aren't in this chapter, but I felt like they needed actors to play them. So I have chosen Julie Andrews for Theo's grandmother and Hector Elizondo for Theo's grandfather. If you have any suggestions for other characters I would love to hear them
Nikki's p.o.v.-

Throughout the night I woke up in a cold sweat three times, tears twice and screaming once, but Theo never came in. Each time I would wake up he would slam against the door and yell my name.

I barley slept at all during the night, but I knew I had to do this. I knew that I had to fight my own demons.

The next morning I woke up, showered, got dressed, and I even put a little make-up under my eyes to hide the large bags that were evidence of what a rough night I had. Once I had finally finished I opened the door and found Theo fast asleep on the floor.

He had jeans and a sweatshirt on and was using his arms as pillows. Theo laid on his stomach with his back to the world, he apparently wasn't afraid of the person who snuck into our house and painted threatening words on our walls. Obviously he wasn't comfortable, I don't know why he didn't just go sleep in one of the empty bedrooms beside the master.

I softly tapped him with my foot. "Theo?" He didn't even stir. I tapped him a little harder and again he did absolutely nothing. Finally I just opened my mouth and spoke loudly. "Theo Chavez! Wake up, you are going to hurt yourself by sleeping on the floor."

Theo didn't show much emotion to being woken up. He simply rolled over onto his back, sat up, ran a hand through his hair and looked up at me with tired eyes. "How did you sleep?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, obviously knowing that my entire night sucked.

"It had a few bad moments, but hey I managed to get at least a few minutes of rest in-between each nightmare." I said while trying to see the bright side of things.

"Really because all I managed to hear was you screaming out and my efforts to get inside." Theo said sarcastically.

Wow, he is really not a morning person.

"You're right that did happen, but I never let you in. I actually managed to sleep even when you weren't there. That's why I'm happy." I quickly moved away from Theo and made my way down the stairs.

Theo's p.o.v.-

As soon as Nikki left I got up and went into our bedroom to lay down. All throughout the night I had thought about going and getting into an actual bed, but every time I ignored it and sat back down again on the floor.

I closed the door, turned off the lights before taking off my jeans and getting in the bed.

I want to tell her that I am proud of her, but at the same time I hate that she was able to do it. I liked that she needed me to make her feel safe. In a non-sick kind of way I enjoyed knowing that she could only sleep when she was in my arms.

I closed my eyes and was beginning to fall asleep when my phone rang. I roughly smacked at the dresser to locate it before bringing it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, my voice thick with the absence of sleep.

"Why did I have to hear about Nikki getting a threat sent to her from our guards?" My father said harshly. "You should have called me immediately!"

I was confused, but way to tired to try and figure out what he was trying to say. "Why would I call you?"

"Why would you call me?" He asked with a furious voice. "Why would you call me? I will tell you why you should have called me. Angelo asked me to watch and protect Nikki like she is my own. I intend to keep that promise!"

I took a deep breath before saying anything. "Dad, Nikki is my wife, she is my responsibility. I appreciate your worry and willingness to be there for her, but that's my job. Nikki should be able to know that I'm there for her and she already doesn't so throwing our families in will only make it worse." I paused for a second to allow both of us to regroup. "Dad, no marriage should have parent involvement. It's not healthy for the marriage or for those who are in the marriage."

Dad sighed. "I have never heard you sound so adult in your entire life." Dad stayed silent for a moment before continuing. "You are right. My interference with your marriage will not help it at all, but I do wish to know if there are anymore threats just so I can be able to send more guards."

"Father, can you please just step out of my marriage. It's already off to a rocky start." I sighed, got up and started pacing the room. "I can't believe that yesterday she is terrified by a threatening message, and any normal person would assume that she would want me to be beside her to protect her. Instead she locks me outside our bedroom and all throughout the night I can hear her screaming and crying, but even though I am pounding on the door and shouting for her to let me in. She doesn't. She pretended like I wasn't even there!" I exclaimed.

"She locked you out?" Dad chuckled. "That girl has some real fire in her. Where did you sleep then if you couldn't get into your bedroom?"

"I slept on the floor right outside the door." I said quietly.

"Wow, the terrifying mobster slept on the floor outside of his bedroom." He said sarcastically. "How freighting."

"It's not my fault that my wife didn't want me with her when she obviously in distress. It's also not my fault that someone out there is obsessed with the idea of her and her entire family being dead!" I exclaimed loudly.

"You are very right, it's not your fault, but as her husband all of her burdens are now yours. That means you need to let her know you are there even when she doesn't need or want you to be."

His words made me extremely angry. "I thought that was what I did last night! I slept on a wooden floor outside of the door just so that if she wanted me I would be right there to calm her down!" I felt my voice crack. "I've tried again and again for her to know that I am here. She just doesn't seem to get the message." I said before hanging up the phone and walking to the door.

         I started almost running down the stairs. I was going to let her know exactly where I stand.
Okay so I understand that the end is a little confusing and I am sorry for that. I really did try to keep the mystery, but also make it so you want to continue reading. Again I know Theo's grandparents aren't in this chapter, but I felt like they needed actors to play them. So I have chosen Julie Andrews for Theo's grandmother and Hector Elizondo for Theo's grandfather. If you have any suggestions for other characters I would love to hear them. This chapter ended at 1308 words.

Keep reading and keep smiling,

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