Chapter Twenty Nine-

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So to be honest I was kinda disappointed by the small number of likes on my last story part. So how about we try for more this chapter and I will make this chapter super exciting!!!!

This is the bikini Nikki is going to wear in this chapter.
Nikki's p.o.v.-

I woke up to find myself wrapped in Theo's arms. He was fast asleep and must have crawled into bed not long after me because I could feel that we had been in this position for a while.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, I had surprisingly slept for three hours.

"Theo?" I said softly. He didn't even move. "Theo, wake up."

He slightly moved, but not enough for him to have woken up. "Hey Theo, wake up." I said just a little louder. I could tell he was half asleep now as he pulled me closer and tighter. "Theo, I need to get up."

"No you don't." He said and kissed my forehead. "I think we both need to stay right here."

What is with him? He never acts so... comfortable with me.

"Theo, I'm-" My stomach growled loudly interrupt me.

"Hungry?" He asked with a slightly angled smirk.

"Just slightly." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Theo stood and offered me his hand. "What do you want to eat?"

I thought about it for a minute. "We should make a fruit salad then go swimming at the beach before it gets dark."

He chuckled to himself. "Are you sure? Last time I made you food you fell asleep before you could eat it."

"That's true, but I think I've gotten all my sleepiness out." I responded as I skipped into the kitchen. "What did you make anyways?"

Theo shrugged. "It wasn't anything spectacular, I made an omelet."

"Homemade omelets are the best." I said trying to make him feel better.

"I seriously doubt that, but okay." He gave me a smile, not one of his oh so famous smirks, but an actual smile.

We proceeded to make and eat a fruit salad with some fruit dip I had found in the back of the fridge on my way to find a soda.

"Ready to go swimming?" I asked once I was finished eating.

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