I didn’t even want to know what she meant by ‘Hunter already knows how he feels about you, there’s no way to persuade him now.’

“I don’t know if I’ll actually make it Brooke, I’ve practiced but I’m probably not that good,” I said and she gave me a stern look.

“Stop doubting yourself, you’ll do perfectly fine,” she said, and I looked at her. She also had her hair in a French braid; she was wearing a pink tank top, dark blue jean shorts, and pink and white cleats.

            Now, that is what you call adorable.

“Yes, mother,” I said in a whiny tone and we laughed as we walked onto the field.

It was a little bit smaller than a football field, but it was much bigger than your average soccer field. There weren’t many girls there, but I could make out Sara’s white blonde head from a mile away, it also helped that she stood up, and waved frantically at us.

“Hey Sarasita,” I said, using my nickname for her as we hugged, and I could see the excitement shinning in her eyes. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail; she was wearing a white t-shirt, black shorts, and black and blue cleats.

We talked for a few minutes, and then the coach blew her whistle; she was dressed in a blue and white track suit. We turned to her, she looked to be in her early thirties, she had red hair that was cut in a pixie cut, and had green eyes that shone brightly as she looked at us.

“Hello ladies, I am coach McCurdy; thank you for coming to the soccer tryouts, I’m going to give you all a few minutes to stretch, and then you’ll go head to head with some of our players from last year,” she said, gesturing to a group of girls on the other side of the bleachers.

Brooke, Sara, and I got down and started to stretch quietly; I started with a standing quad stretch with my left leg and then went to my right. We all did the standing calf stretch, seated groin and inner thigh stretch before we were completely ready.

I cracked my neck, and after two more minutes Coach McCurdy stood in center field and read names off of a chart.

“Okay so, I have Dawn Chambers paired up with Stacy Reedman, Franchessca Monroe paired with Gretchen Zimmer, Sara Westbrook paired with Ana Freeman, Brooke Dobrev paired with Faye Louis, Paige Parker paired with Shannon Davis,” she began, and finished the list after three minutes.

“Paige?” I heard someone yell, it was a really pretty brunette in an all blue and white striped soccer uniform.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I said, walking over to her.

“Hey,” she said, shaking my hand.

“Hi Shannon,” I said, and we stood there for a few minutes, talking.

“Okay ladies, so basically you have ten minutes a pair, to get twelve goals. Let’s have Paige and Shannon first,” she said, looking at us.

Shannon and I went to the center of the field, I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and when I opened them again; I was okay.

The ball was in the middle of us, and Shannon gave me a competitive nod, it was obvious she wasn’t going to let me win. Which I was glad for because if I was going to get on the soccer team, I wanted to earn it.

As soon as the whistle blew, I dribbled the ball with my feet, swiftly making my way around her; no matter how hard she tried to block me. My adrenaline was pumping, hard and I ran faster than I had ever ran before; I was now at the goal and she was blocking me, I couldn’t get around her, she took the ball and went back to my net. I blocked her, and took the ball from her, without a second thought, I kicked the ball as hard as I could and it flew into her net at full force.

I cannot believe that just happened.

“Go Paige, go! Wooh!” I heard a voice, which could only belong to Hunter, I turned around to see him sitting next to Xavier, Sara, Brooke and Archer who were also cheering, and I shook my head.

Why the hell was he here?!

While I was distracted, Shannon had already been making her way to my goal, I got to her just as she was about to make the goal, and kicked the ball away from her. I dribbled the ball towards her goal, and I could feel her gaining up on me, and I kicked the ball into the goal again.

And here go my friends again, screaming at the top of their damn lungs, cheering me on.

I laughed, but I continued to play; I was completely focused and determined to make the team.

The score ended up being 6-4, as in I scored six times and when we were finished, Shannon shook my hand and told me that she couldn’t wait to have me on the team.

I went to grab water from the vending machine, unaware that I was being followed. I slipped a dollar in, wiping the sweat from my brow; I was so glad that it would finally be the weekend.

“Paige,” I heard a voice say behind me, I turned around to see Hunter crossing his arms.

“Hi…Hunter,” I said awkwardly, as I bent down to get my bottle of water.

“So, you’ve been avoiding me,” he said, and I took a sip; I looked at him, blankly.

“Somewhat,” I said, shrugging.

“Because you didn’t want to talk about our kiss?” he asked, running a hand through his curls.

“I felt like it would make things awkward between us,”

“Look, I know you probably don’t feel the same way about me, that I feel about you…bu—,”

I cut him off.

“Wait, how do you feel about me?”

“You should know, and by the way. You were really great out there,” he said, stepping towards me, and tucking a fly away behind my ear as he stared into my eyes.

“Don’t change the subject, answer the question. And thank you,” I said, smiling at him.

“I don’t want you avoiding me again, for two months,” he said, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

“I won’t. I promise,” I said, and I meant it. I had to be rational.

At the moment, I was melting at his gaze.

“I like you, Paige. I like you, a lot,”

Oh my god! Cliff hanger >:3 

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