Chapter 54: The Last Day

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As we got closer to the ground, I realized just how large the park was. It was gigantic.

Once we landed, I jumped off the top of the helicopter, and put my arms out in front of me.

"Jump Luce!" I yelled, as Lucy stood up.

Without hesitation, she jumped, and I caught her flawlessly.

"It's a good thing you caught me," Lucy said, looking up at me.

"I'll always catch you," I said, sincerely.

"Since when did you become so romantic?" she asked, with a laugh.

"I guess you have that effect on me," I said, with a wink.

"Have you been hanging out with Loki? You've started flirting," Lucy said, laughing.

"Speaking of me," said a familiar voice.

Loki appeared in front of us, and I put Lucy down.

"Hey Loki," Lucy greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I had to stop by and congratulate you, Lucy," Loki said.

"Aw thanks," she said, giving Loki a hug.

"You two look great together, by the way," he said.

"We do, don't we?" I said, wrapping my hand around Lucy's.

"You do," Mira agreed, walking up to us.

"Hey Mira," Loki said.

"Loki! It's a good thing you're here, I needed to discuss some plans about Rowen with you," Mira said, giving him a hug.

"That's the other reason I'm here," Loki said.

"Wait a second," Lucy said. "Loki, you helped Mira with her plans?"

"Of course. After all, Mira and I are the masters at this," he said.

"How do you think Mira knew that Lucy was by the bridge the other day?" Loki asked. "And who do you think helped come up with the truths and dares?"

"I thought it was just Mira, Laxus, Lisanna, and Happy," Lucy said.

"That's what we wanted you to think," Mira said, smirking.

"Success!" Loki exclaimed, giving Mira a high-five.

Happy flew over to us, and landed on my head, sitting down.

"Hey Happy," Loki greeted.

"Hey Loki!" Happy exclaimed. "Congrats on getting most of our ships together!"

"You too," Loki said, giving him a high-five.

"When did you guys even make the plans?" I asked. "We never noticed that any of you were missing."

"That's because we're masters at it," Happy said.

"Exactly," Mira said.

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