Chapter 39 Rolling Through Paris

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(Lucy's POV)

Our flight felt like a day. But we finally reached Paris after 9,706 kilometers. As we soared down, I could even catch a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower.

"We're here already?" Erza woke up from her nap, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah," I replied, fastening my seatbelt as we were about to land.

"Erza-san, Juvia found some strawberry cake in the- auh!" Juvia tripped, the jet decided to take a 'screw it' landing. The cake bounced off of the plate, due to the plane's reckless pilot, and it landed on Juvia's face.

"Juvia, are you okay?" Mira stood up.

"Juvia is fine," Juvia sighed,"But now Juvia has cake on her face."

Erza stood up as well, and rubbed her finger across Juvia's caked face, picking up some strawberry cake. She then stuck it on her tongue.

"Mmm, it's yummy though."

"I will go help Juvia get this off," Mira said,"And then we'll be ready to get off in a few."


"Woah..." I mumbled as we got off the private jet,"Paris is... amazingly beautiful."

"Yup! Now let's get into our hotel," Mira's escort lead us into Paris's exclusive airport.


"Do people in Paris even recognize us?" I asked as we got into a limo.

"I don't think so," Erza replied.

"They probably watched Juvia's movies?"

"They only know that we're modeling for a famous brand," Mira answered.


I looked outside as we made our way to the Shangri La Hotel. A lot of beautiful architecture here.

"Look, look! The Eiffel Tower!" Juvia exclaimed,"Juvia can barely see it, but it's still there."

We all tilted towards Juvia's window.

"Ah, I can't wait to visit it!" Mira and I squealed in unison.

Our limo suddenly stopped at a restaurant, the doors opened and a female our age hopped inside. She appeared to have shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes. Looks like a mix of two nationalities.

Who is this..?

"Francine!!" Mira gave her a big hug.


"Yeah, Francine!" Mira turned to us,"She is our escort for our whole trip. She can speak English, Japanese, and French!"

"Oooh! Hi Francine," Erza greeted.

"You must be Erza," Francine smiled,"And then you're Lucy," she pointed at me,"and that's Juvia."

"How did Francine know Juvia's name?"

"Mirajane informed me. But yeah I am honored to meet you all in person! I've seen mostly all your movies!"

"Really?" Erza smiled,"Then what's my movie that Lucy co-stared in?"

"How to Be a Superhero."

"Wow, you know your movies just like me," I complimented,"But what else were the movies I appeared in..?"

"In Love with A Delinquent. I ordered it online and it should come sometime today," Francine smiled.

"Ooh oh! Juvia wants to know if Francine watched any of Juvia and Gray-sama's movies?"

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