Chapter 11 Farewell Lucy

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(Natsu's POV)
I dashed outside the church, looking around.

"Natsu, let's go take a picture together!" Pops smiled as he led me through the crowd of people.

"Have you seen Lucy?" It was the only thing in my mind right now.

"Oh...she left. I guess she got caught calling in a fake sick."


We smiled at the camera for a quick picture, and I quickly took out my phone.

As if on cue, Gus texted me,"She's on her way to the private jet. All her stuff is ready to go."

"Pops....I haven't said goodbye to her yet. You don't mind me bailing the afterparty for a few minutes?"

"I'm sure your uncle wouldn't mind. Now go son, your princess awaits," he pushed me out of the crowd, and to the gates of the church. I blushed a little at what Pops said, that old man. Shaking away that thought, I started to run.
(Lucy's POV)
Holding up my dress as I walked towards the private jet, I spotted Gus waiting for me.

"Lucy!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head, and found a tired Natsu, still dressed in his formal wear.

"Natsu?" I fully turned my body to face him,"Aren't you supposed to be at the afterparty?"

"I...can' go...without saying...goodbye," he breathed. He must've ran here without stopping. My eyebrows raised, realizing how much air he's out of just to say goodbye to me.

Once he caught his breath, he stood up straight,"Come here for a sec." He stretched his arms out, like he was about to hug someone. I smiled a little, and went towards him. We fell into a long embrace, that was actually quite warm.

"Natsu...Thank you."

"That should be my line." We pulled away, and I was face-to-face with him. "I should thank you, for dealing with such a handful like me," Natsu laughed a little.

"Yeah, it was such a bother," I giggled too. After our laughing, it was now quiet, back to the sad part of us departing.

"Lucy....I..uh..." It seemed like he was having trouble telling me something important.

"Hm?" I tilted my head a little.

"...You forgot your reward," Natsu took my hand, placed a stack of cash in my palm, making my fingers close in to grip tightly on it,"One million jewel. As promised."

I gazed at the stack of was too much.

"Natsu, I can't possibl-"

"It was a reward on the contract. You have to accept it." He was right. I nodded as my arm that held the money fell to my side. "Oh, and give Luka and Ayato my congrats."

"I will. Now go before you make me cry. Your chariot awaits." He covered his eyes.

"You're not really going to cry, aren't you?"

"Maybe I will...maybe I won't." He smiled as his hands removed from his face.

"Well..I guess this is it. Thanks for the's been the best week I've ever had in my life."

"Now you're making me cry." Natsu's voice softened a little, pretending to wipe a tear.

I giggled,"Hey, this isn't goodbye forever. Let's just say....see you soon."

He nodded back,"And Lucy...Gus got you an acting gig, I don't know what it is, but he will tell you the details."

My eyes acting gig....,"Thank you... Again."

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