Chapter 3 First Kissu

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(Lucy's POV)
"Bachelor party tonight, huh." I mumbled as I brushed my hair. Natsu just called room service, and I think he heard me.

"Yup. So for now we have some free time," Natsu sat on the messy bed,"What should we do today?"


"Oh no..." Natsu looked at the window. I looked-paparazzi. "Shit! They found us!" Natsu got up and tried to shoo the paparazzi, who was outside the window, above freaking 50+ feet.

I got up,"What the hell? Who would risk their life like that just for a picture?"

"They want gossip, Lucy," Natsu turned to me,"Celebrities can't live in peace."

"They can, if they just look on the bright side." I made his slouched shoulders come up, and I looked at him in the eye,"Sure, paparazzi's are douchebags. But it shouldn't keep us from having fun."

"Lucy...You're right." He looked down, making eye contact with me. He pushed back some of my hair behind my ear, but feeling this atmosphere, I allowed it. His soft hand was caressing my cheek... and it's making my heart beat fast. He's leaning towards me. Oh This was bound to happen, right? Me, a simple nobody, having their first kiss with a celebrity? I decided to face the music and lean in too. Why?! Why am I doing this? Lucy, stop! You can't! It said that in the contract!

"Room service!" A loud knock came from the door. Yes, it stopped us from kissing. Oh thank Mavis! Natsu went to go get it, and I stood there, face all red. What just happened? We were about to kiss, right? I went and slapped myself, don't let his handsome appearance take advantage over you, Lucy! Nope! I watched trays of food coming in and placed on a mini table in the corner of the room. The maid left the room to ourselves.

"You look like a tomato," Natsu laughed as he sat down, setting up the table for breakfast. Let me just act like nothing happened.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment," I sat down at the empty seat in front of him.

"I could give you a tour of Capital Crocus, but there's probably paparazzi everywhere now." Natsu changed the subject, while he was eating.

"Yeah," I started to talk with my mouth full, which is unusual of me, and I took out my phone. First off I started to look at some magazine companies, and they all had the same topic. Natsu and me. This is so getting out of hand. I scrolled down to the comments section and everyone is talking.

'Oh she looks so pretty!'
'Totes adorbs.'
'They look so adorable together!'

There are also hate comments like:
'She's so ugly. Pfft, I bet he'll leave her when he sees me.'
'Ew! Worst couple ever.'
'So gross! Natsu belongs to Lisanna!'

I frowned, focusing on the hate comments.
"Lucy, don't pay attention to them," Natsu covered my phone with his hand. I looked up, he looks serious. "You're beautiful. They're just jealous. So turn that frown upside down, okay?" he smiled.

"Yeah..." I smiled a little bit back, his smile relaxed me a little... Is that the power of an actor? Eeeeh. I tried not to make this moment worse, so I continued to eat. Natsu ate too, now it's just awkward. Then I observed him, he does resemble Igneel. Thinking about Igneel made me remember that he accepted me as Natsu's wife. I sighed, I'm not actually his wife.

"Something wrong?" Natsu asked.

"Just wondering...what if being an actress isn't as amazing as I thought it would be?" I lied a little, though I was thinking about it earlier.

"It won't be disappointing, I promise. You can always ask my agent for some offers, and I can help you get rid of paparazzi."

"I know that, but....what if I'm not good enough? I'm great at being in regular emotions like happy, sad, and mad. But I don't even have the urge to do anything romantic on the script without hesitating."

My Beloved Fake Wife -Nalu AUWhere stories live. Discover now