Chapter 21 Igneel and Natsu

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(Lucy's POV)
Erza and I were at the hangout, celebrating our wrap of our new movie. We were sitting at the bar. I ordered a beer and Erza stared at me.

"Beer? Are you serious?" Erza laughed,"Get some champagne with me!"

"Fine, fine," I smiled as we each ordered champagne.

"Cheers," Erza smiled as we clicked our glasses together.

"Cheers," I smiled back, and we took a sip. It was kind of strong, but I've seen rich snobs drink this. I looked over and saw Mirajane coming towards me.

"Lucy!" Mirajane smiled,"Do you ever think of yourself as a model?"

"Umm....sure..?" I was confused. Why would she ask me that?"

"Great! The wardrobe people told the press how perfect your body is. And my manager decided, why not model with me?" I gasped. I've always seen Mirajane in those Sorcerer Weekly magazines!

"I would love to!" I blurted. Mirajane smiled.

"I'll call you when we finally schedule the photoshoot." She walked away.

"Wow," Erza smiled,"You're rising. First you're acting, now you're going to model," she refilled my glass,"That's a double-celebration."

I smiled, and looked around,"We should celebrate with more people."

"You're right," Erza whistled,"Everyone! It's time to celebrate!"

"Woooo!!" Everyone cheered back, and then the hangout started being crazy. People started to serve more drinks. Music was turning on blast. Man, these people know how to party.

As far as I should know, I got drunk. And I kind of knew what I was doing...? Eh.

(Natsu's POV)
Gus and I decided to hang at the celebrity bar for a while. It was currently night time, and by the time I opened the door, it was packed. And crazy. I can tell it was another celebration for something. But was it? We walked deeper and deeper into the party, and found so many drunkies near the bar. To my surprise, Lucy was one of them.

"Weee!!" Lucy was spinning on the bar stool, since it can rotate. After that, she fell on the ground, where Levy was. She then hugged Levy,"Levy-chan!!!!! You're my idoolll!"

"No, you're my idol, Lu-chan!!" Levy smiled. I think they were both drunk.

"Natsu, you should take Lucy home," Gus suggested.

"But...." I stared at him,"She'll probably hit me or something."

"Yeah. But you know how she'll be when she's drunk. What if other guys take advantage of that?" Well that just pushed my buttons.

"Alright, alright. But let's raincheck."

"Of course. Now go, your princess is waiting." I ignored him and walked towards Lucy.

"Oh! Here comes the jerk of Magnolia!" Lucy slurred, and she hiccuped. She let go of Levy. I wrapped one arm around her back and under her knees and lifted her until I started to carry her bridal style. "Heey!!! Where are you taking me!!??"

"Home," I replied, and started heading towards the door. She started pounding my chest as she moved a lot.

"Let me go!!" Lucy screamed.

"No, you're going home," I pulled her close and whispered in her ear,"You're bad."

"Don't do that!!" She lightly slapped me,"I'm supposed to hate you!!" I raised a brow. "You're making it so hard for me to forget you!"

"Wait don't hate me?"

She hiccuped before nodding. "I think I love you."

"Shh!!" I blushed, looking away,"Don't. I want to hear that when you're sober."

"Okay~" Lucy smiled.

Once we entered Lucy's apartment, Lucy rose up to my face, like she was about to kiss me.

"Stop," I mumbled, placing her down,"It hurts to turn down a kiss from you, but you're drunk. Go to sleep."

Lucy pouted. I feel so guilty now...ugh! "Okay..." she sighed, and slipped into bed. I turned off the lights.

"I want to have a conversation with you some other time. But you avoid me," I pushed hair behind her ear, sighing. I realized she already passed out. I smiled to myself. "If only, you would talk to me." I kissed her forehead, and left her apartment.

~~~A few days later~

(Lucy's POV)
I just finished swimsuit modeling with Mirajane. Everyone complimented how sexy we look and how perfect our poses were. Mirajane and I went back to hung out at the celebrity bar, along with my new celebrity friends. (Levy, Wendy, Erza, Juvia)

It feels empty today. There would usually be a pink-haired dork in here. Or around me. I'm not really sure what it is. But for some reason, there's something missing.

"Hey, where did Natsu go?" I heard Gajeel ask.

"You didn't hear?" Levy replied,"He went to Crocus to finish shooting his movie. And he has some birthday to go to."

So that's what I've been missing. Natsu. Great. Thinking of him makes my heart ache.

(Natsu's POV)
I knocked on the door to my cousin, Isabella's house. Her twins's 6th birthday is today, and of course I had to attend. Uncle Ayato opened the door, and he gasped, smiling as we hugged.

"Natsu! It's been a while. Come in!" We both went inside, the door closing after us. "Now everyone is here! Let's blow out the candles!!!"

"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday dear Cameron and Christina~ Happy birthday to youuu~" everyone sang and the twins blew out the candles.

Everyone kept asking for Lucy...I told them she was busy with work. Until I told Pops.

"You don't have to lie anymore, Natsu." Pops stared at his beer. We were sitting in a corner of their backyard, alone.

"What do you mean?" I raised a brow.

"I know Lucy was fake," Pops finally looked at me,"Ever since you brought her here, I knew."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to soil it for you and Lucy. You two did looked like you were really in love," Pops laughed,"And she's an amazing person." Pops sat back on his plastic chair,"If only she was my real daughter-in-law."

"Pops... I miss her too, you know." I confessed.
"Wait what!?" Pops spit out his beer,"You someone!?" he laughed.

"Pops!" I hissed,"I have feelings too, you know!" I crossed my arms.

"I know. But I wouldn't possibly think you would actually love someone!" Pops snickered,"It's weird, yet I'm satisfied. My little Natsu is growing up!" I frowned, annoyed, yet heat still rose to my cheeks.

Sorry for the short chapter. But now Igneel also misses Lucy :( When will that empty spot in Natsu and Lucy's hearts will fill up? Idk either, so keep reading MBFW to find out!

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